Please can we end this truce, it's boring

That’s your opinion and that’s fine.
I disagree with it.

But that’s not what you said. You said:

That’s something completely different from saying you like pvp.
And I stand by my words: Just wanting war ‘because’ is psychotic. Liking PvP is not.

That would still only let you fight those with warmode on. So, fine with me.
Optional pvp is fine.

Fraid so, sorry. If its any consolation we’re stuck with Vulpera on the other side.

I had fun once in PvP.

It was early BFA and I played a blood DK cause my raid desperately needed a tank to bridge someone’s really long hospital visit.

Well I used warmode to farm those PvP events and there I had really a blast.
I couldn’t really kill any of them since I was a tank and my gear wasn’t that great but they wherent really able to get me down either. There where battles that took 10 to 15 minutes and that was really fun

haha, Blood dk still plays the same

impossible to kill

Oh me too. Back in vanilla going to Alterac Valley with my (then not yet nerfed) Ashjre’thul, Crossbow of Smiting and one shotting clothies, was fun.

Wanna trade…? :eyes:

Gnomes are not tradeable goods!

Everyone knows they’re for sports. Punt away.

I wouldn’t even wish such a fate on my worst enemies. Poor Horde. :pensive:

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And now I feel bad because I like gnomes. :sob:
Look what you made me do!

Brother don’t tell me that.
Just a few hours ago in another thread someone said blood DK is fun in PvP and I was already fighting the urge even so I wanted to abandon all tank specs since it’s to stressful in pve.

Don’t turn me into PvP player ^^

What do you mean ‘again’? :sweat_smile:

nothing wrong in dabbling in both
considering the next major patch is gonna get some nice Solo/PvE Content, you could hold out for that if you REALLY dont wanna pvp

That’s true maybe I will try some PvP for fun and see if it sticks I always liked this big battlegrounds

Epic Bgs are fun, but sadly they’re infested by premades these days.

Not “us” as in the current Horde but Stormwind was sacked by the old Horde in the first war. Looking back I meant to “” the word again but somehow my brain put it on burn instead :sweat_smile:

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Well I will give it a try if I don’t have fun it’s Oke having a blood DK ready to is not a loss in the end

wow an, SoO, just in Blue…how creative. :clown_face:
And next, return to status quo because they cant punish the allaicne since the allaince wasnt alowd to punish the horde during /after SoO.

and that is how you ruin a franchchise, Game of thones didt taht at the end of the last season , and let me say taht its wanst well recived youd be a understatment.

ands still palyer vs pyler is still a shide show since tehy cant progess taht one since one side (Horde woud benefit gretaly from it.

those pvp player were 90% cowards who gank lower palyer, either full geard of with level 60 level/quest gear, still taht woud be with the level and gear (and stats) adavnatg eniugh to esyp wipe off any lowie in stangelthrown.

Thow peopel ant tehre for pvp, if tehy woud, teh youd have benn in zone like winterspring, felworrd, plaugeland baltest lanc ect wher tehy coud mess with palyerson threi level for fair and challanging pvp.
But no, theyy pick lowlevel zonec because eays pickins.

how about thos who havent on.
still, going as max level in a level 20 or 30 zone is cowerdly, ist was just to ruin peoples day, not fair and balanced pvp.

Best we can do is you get to kill some no-name NPCs, two characters some people have actually heard of (But nobody is particularly attached to), the city completely intact after you’re done, and an embarrassing cinematic at the end, showing how you got absolutely nothing to show for the whole thing when you immediately naff off back home, so basically SoO, but in blue and with nicer streets.

Hey SoO did cost the horde nazgrim he was not that bad of a character and I kinda hated that he needed to die because something something Honor and following his warchief even so he wasn’t agreeing with him

As someone that does heroic raids/M+/Rated PVP for several years I must disagree. Focusing solely on any one of those gets dull, especially raids. Like I’ve mentioned several times it doesn’t have to be one or the other, you (the devs) shouldn’t just focus almost entirely on one without the other because people enjoy both, some enjoy the PVE aspect more sure, but others only play PVP so why not advocate for both, there’s far more replay ability in PVP due to it not being scripted, my raid team usually quits raiding the minute we get Ahead of the Curve achievement. In times past we’ve had conflict for factions & external threats and I don’t see why they had to change that. Why should only one side be appeased & pandered whilst the other side that enjoys the conflict stop giving a single care about the story despite following it and being invested in it for years?

I’d be very interested to hear some solid opinions on why it should end and never return, because so far the only arguments I’ve seen are “I find it boring” which isn’t very compelling and to be straight, quite a selfish opinion to take. I’ve not seen any advocates for conflict storytelling saying “There must only be faction conflict & nobody else but us can enjoy it.”

I fear you’re right, I think there’s a reason a lot of players are returning to classic for the non-cosmic vibes & the soulful questing, back in classic you were one of many, in modern WoW you’re told you’re John Warcraft and the sole saviour of the universe. Classic isn’t for me personally, I prefer the modern textures & gameplay, but I can definitely see the appeal.

I do believe you missed some nuance & context here, obviously our friend was talking about conflict in game. Calling someone psychotic is rude.

We honour his death, a true son of the Horde. Died in battle against the blue tide, weapon in hand.

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