Please can we end this truce, it's boring

Nah even cata garrosh was bad.
He wanted the forsaken to fight wich is fair but then he was not happy when they used the plague so the low numbers of forsaken don’t get lower and then he was against resurrecting more forsaken.

Like you want them as part of your army but they are not allowed to do anything they are good at?

They are not orcs they aren’t walking muscles bags that breed all day

We’ve defeated the Bozo (green)
Oh no watch out, here comes a new bozo! (purple)
To me atleast, things are already stale

You have to re-do those quests.

The forsaken were allowed to do honorable things. Plaguing whole regions making them uninhabitable for everyone but the forsaken is not honorable.

They could have mages, rangers, priests… things like that…

Also. FYI: Garrosh was not strictly against resurrection. He was against forced resurrection, because Sylvanas resurrected the dead and bound them to her agenda. That is what he was against.

It dosent have to make sense. It only has to be honorable. That was the message of Garrosh and that is why I like his Cata version.

And that is why I dislike the MoP onward versions because drinking from an old-god’s blood (Manoroth 2.0) is not honorable. And whatever time-traveling shenanigans isent either.

If they made world pvp a little more interesting to engage in would better than forcing a faction conflict in a narrative again.

They should lift the language barrier between factions for people who are toggled pvp off.

This way everybody is a winner:

  • We get to have plot points that don’t revolve around blue vs red.
  • Players who are uninterested in any faction related matter can freely play whatever race they want with their friends.
  • World PvP becomes a genuine game mode and you get to stomp on gnomes once again.

You could still forgive this considering it was the blood of an old god, which are very convincing to the point where if Garrosh who by all means is still just an orc could resist it we could all point and yell PLOT ARMOR

Being whispered into it would’ve made it less of a character assassination of Garrosh and more of a display of power of Y’shaarj

Unfortionately they went the plot armor route by saying Garrosh was not affected at all but still did all the objectively evil things.

I’d rather that did this with Order Halls and gave us content for our classes similar to Order Hall Campaigns in Legion.

The Faction War was pretty boring lore wise. Why are we fighting now? I kill them because they Orc. They kill me because I’m Draenei.

Sure I can see ways to develop tension between the Factions in Gilneas / Undercity or Silvermoon vs Humans in Plaguelands (which should probably be renamed now scourge is basically defeated).
But this needs to be done through story. Not just ok fight because er reasons…


The second plague they used during cata was not that bad yes it plagued the land too but the forsaken got better at using it on small areas of interest and I would say contaminating the land that can be cleaned afterwards is better then losing men.
And why is it that garrosh is the one who decides what is honourable? Wasn’t he the one who won a duel with poison? (Seriously I don’t know him too well)

And if he had a problem with “forcefully” resurrected forsaken then he didn’t payed good attention to the members of his horde.

In the forsaken starting zone we get shown that those raised with the help of the Valkyr get a choice what they want to do with there life’s. They don’t need to obey sylvanas.
And even more the forsaken can simply refuse to even be resurrected. When they get resurrected by the Valkyr they can simply decide they don’t want this and fall drad on the spott again.

Again, we are talking about races that are basically near-extinct
It is not that smart to send your already dwindled numbers to fight except if the fate of the wolrd depends on it
Resources? Land? The world is WAST… full of monsters, true and arguably the Naga are at the moment on the top of the food chain number and economy wise with their underwater Empire

I agree that Horde and Alliance should be at least in a state of cold war (with proxy fighting / occasional skirmish) as it adds to the lore and makes Warmode feel like RPG. But when I explained to my daughter (who is now almost old enough to start playing on her own account and gaming PC) that the two sides used to be at war but are now best buds she said it was a good thing. I know who Blizzard would rather keep happy, and it’s not me, the old duffer.

This is hardly true though, is it?

We can’t go to each others’ citites or lands without being attacked.
It basically is a cold war. Sure Jaina and Thrall are friends but so were they in Cata and right back to TBC.
Genn and Sylvanas aren’t friends and never will be.

Nor really, even in Warcraft 3 they wokred together and multiple times in wow self.
Thats a stupid argument, times changes, faction changes, its time to move on.

point to FF14
And the faction ther are all allied.

Because you can’t, because on sever the horde won warsong, in another the alliance.
So, it woud ve impossible to tell.

Well, that sounded differently, he was pid and called her bi

Remember the incursions during bfa?
Even this werent permanent ir dud realt damga since Blizzard avoided destroyed beloved zones and give one faction an advantage.

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Supporting this. We need more war conflicts and “skirmishes” between alliance and horde because it looks way too easy and linier when the only enemy is always new no-names who were never shown before or were shown many years ago (nerubians, kobolds, old gods etc.). Both factions must deal with problems while fighting each other what will make the story more COMPLEX and volatile. Currently we don’t even have an excuse for open world pvp lol. Horde and alliance killing each other in world pvp because…? No answer here lol

Best of both.

Let everyone be anything, but then make them chose sides.

Alliance Undead Pallys v Horde Man’ari Warlocks

No u.

It IS a core fundemental, you can disagree with it all your like it doesn’t change the truth. Don’t want to move on, why don’t you?

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I don’t want to end the truce and as others have said, I would like to be able to properly quest with the other faction in the open world.

However, I do miss there being different stories for Horde and Alliance per expansion, it felt like I got to do the whole thing twice and now it feels like we have less content. I don’t see why we can’t have them solving different issues without being at war with each other.

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It is NOT
You kind of forget since the end of Warcraft 2 the Orc vs Human is not really a thing
After the first part of Warcraft 3 that was in the bin and sits there eversince


The faction war is part of what made this game popular to begin with.

But I wouldnt expect a vulpera to understand.

No, since Blizzard did so much for cross faction now, which was previously unthinkable because “muh we need war!!”
Blizzard goes away from faction conflict, they kbow its suck (especially after bfa ( and will be a dead end.
You cabt really progress that story in wow because neiter sinde can win or lose and after so many wolrd ending threats is much logical ti work together.
Ine reason bfa sucked was the timing was awful, right after defeating the leguin, one of the mayor thread for which all cime together, they directly after to tital war-after an exhausting war agienst the legion and worked so close by it didnt make sense .

Ironic ut came from you with the yeah back ti war mentalität, fall back into ild patterns :crazy_face:

Not really, it was the big world and word building.
Funnily enough wow was actually planed without pvp, it was added as last minute change


You wish
It is a niche part of the game, not integral part like in AION for example
Originally it was added as a last minute thing
It is like Pet Battles


Lmao yeah you guys are nice parrots.

But you’re both wrong, if not for PvP then WoW wouldn’t have become as popular.

Its the old school PvP videos that people remember, that people watched and rerolled for. Even machinima videos like Tales of Past relied heavily on the faction war to become the most popular ones.

But we don’t have to agree, thats okay.

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