Please clear this NPC of hostile mobs

Hey, got redirected here from Hey, got redirected here from the support site saying this is where to drop suggestions so here you go.

So I’m questing right now in outland and going for the achievements for doing all the quests (lore master) and i’m taking the time to READ the text for it too, so its taking a while.

On the course of my adventures I found this npc here;

This guy starts 8 quests, and finishes 12 quests. But his location has 3 hostile mobs that patrol past him. they get so close in fact that my rogue is detected in stealth. They can also be all up at the same time resulting in a challenging combat for on level players, but also don’t patrol together making a staggered combat where one joins in half way a likely situation.

As an extra note he is not the only quest giver here as he stands next to Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran

Who has 4 quests

I simply wish to request that the Hostiles that are near these guys don’t get near enough to be in detection range as it is really irritating to try and read quests and deal with being smacked in the face repeatedly and they are not hostile to the NPC’s themselves so are always up and around to bother any player questing here.

You’ll have time to click on the NPC, accept the quest and them move away somewhere safe where you can read the quest description.

As you’re going for Loremaster you won’t be reading the quest info to decide if you’ll accept the quest or not.


Yes, I am going to accept the quest. But moving away quickly after accepting a quest is not the game being the best it can be. Removing the handful of mobs that are hostile on top of a quest giver zone is more optimal. I do have a picture but im limited to 2 Links so… im going to edit it into my OP

EDIT: Turns out i can’t even update what 2 links I have… this is rather frustrating…
For those who want to see go to Imgur with this /a/nZF6AFO at the end. that should direct you to a screen shot

EDIT 2: Also that only helps with acquiring the quests, not submitting where you are required to be in melee range.

I know the NPC’s and have done the quests on a variety of classes more times than I can remember. Your other options are to…

A/ Kill the offending mobs and clear the area


B/ Get someone of a higher level to clear the mobs and guard you while you RP the adventurer having a convo with the NPC.


Yes, the fact you remember this level 70 area proves it is a problem. You are correct where you can both fight your way out of it. But it would be better if the mobs in question didn’t bother you. Which is why I am making the suggestion that the mobs that happen to get into melee range are removed or repathed.

I remember doing the quests several times but I don’t remember it being a problem so not sure how you deduce that.

From a RP PoV it’s a small town infested with undead and other nasties so it’s to be expected that there will be conflict when going there so you should be expected to have a bit of a fight in order to safely converse with the NPC’s.

As I see it, it’s not a problem and was designed that way. I’ve given you 3 simple solutions for what is at most a minor inconvenience.

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I’d disagree. With 16 quests from those NPC’s with enough time for mobs to respawn your going to defeat those mobs 6-8 times which though not hard is irritating. You would have to be blind to not get the town is infested with undead and being attacked while trying to talk to friendly’s outside of the major mob areas seems like poor design rather than immersive RP unless the respawn timer was increased dramatically

This is the best response I think. It’s fun to read the quests, but as Bawdawg said, you can quickly pick them up and move to a safe spot to read. Why do you need to read them at the questgiver?

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As you can’t hand in a quest, and read the submission text at a distance and there are a LOT of quests here. if it was a one and done matter, I’d never even spoke about it.

If only we had option to use flying, mount to hover above NPC while we speaking to them.

Oh well, one can hope.

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What might be worth a try is also putting a post on the AD forums to ask if anybody is doing Loremaster and wants to team up. If others are doing the achievement at this level it would be helpful in defeating the mobs :slight_smile:

You don’t get all the quest in one go so you’ll be coming back, handing some in and picking others up so you don’t need time to read 8 quest descriptions and read 8 hand in descriptions, it’s staggered.

As I said, this is a minor inconvenience but not as annoying as the NPC’s that wander off out of range before you can read the quest info, that’s an example of bad game design IMO, but not this particular (non) issue.


I remember 15 years ago when i started WoW and arrived in Astranaar for the very first time with ~lvl20…there was a lvl45 Horde rogue there killing EVERY questgiver in the town immediatelly when they respawned.

I thought to myself: “Yeah, that is some really great game design right there”.

Reading how someone feels inconvenienced because there may be 3 NPCs crossing the path of a questgiver and interrupting their reading is…amusing.

There are actually several Quest-NPCs in the game that only give you a limited time to interact with them before they will despawn.

I agree with Bagdawg on this one.


As this is a 13year old quest I imagine nothing is being done any time soon about it.

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