Please continue customizations

yay im a Troll now. :smile:

:hibiscus: :desert_island: :hibiscus:

Agreed! Gief moar pwetty pwease <3

Green skin for trolls ought to be a priority. I have no idea how they could give us sand troll customization before revantusk, considering how the sand trolls hate the horde and the revantusk are allies.


I would rather like to see less glitching and some glitch fixes first, then more customizations of course. It can be really annoying to pair some pieces together, or even mount up (especially on moose mount) and realize that your character doesn’t have legs.

im just going to leave this here (to show that customizations was promised for the future) :cry: this was back in September


I’d love some more blood elf hairs before we move on.


Day 6 :slightly_smiling_face:



Oh I didn’t reply to this thread. But since it’s alive again.

Blizz - Please pause all customisations until the game has becomes the epic adventure it once was. Thanks.


I would absolutely love more Hairstyles across all races…

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I will never understand this mentally where people think the people who do development of game are the same people who do customizations. Totally different.

FF14 and other games tend to do both certainly fine. Know why? Because it’s not related to each other.



Money spent on Art, is money not spent on Development.


Yes because I’m sure a flower on the hair will cost them 100000 Euros :joy: meanwhile let the elves ask for 10 more requests and they get delivered on a silver platter.


You’ll be surprised when things start adding up.

I remember there was a Blizzard blog/video post at the start of SL about the Animation team in Revendreth. And yes, the animation does look really good. But I would never have noticed if they didn’t point it out, because I’m more interested in the game play and how the cloak of a mob I’m about to kill flutters in the wind.

I understand your concern; but I still think they can do both.

I’m someone who enjoys both cosmetics and gameplay. Both are fun aspects of the game. Currently trying to achieve the “fabulous” title by collecting mogs.

Anyway, I really do hope they add it. I know the flower is simple but it means so much to me. And that “censored” flowercrown from Tirna with the low horrible graphics won’t drop anyway.

I want the fluttery cloak…


Without enjoyable game play, there will be no players and no players = no subscriptions = No Fluttery cloak or Customisations.

As I said above.

Bad Game Play = Less Players = Less Subscriptions = No money for cosmetics.

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I will pay them myself to add the damn flower in troll customizations . As long as it doesn’t go above 60 Euros.

I’m doing something no greedy elf dares to do. Where are you Blizzard :eyes:

Am I persistent enough?


I’m gonna be honest they make more money from me for the customizations, the art, the aesthetic than some gameplay, anything over quests and legacy content for me personally is not needed.

My playstyle is more rogue adventurer, I play with my Hubby, we like to have laid back, casual fun, just the two of us.

We get excited when a new mog drops, we like the art and how mobs look, hell we are those guys who will grab a bowl of popcorn and watch that cloak flutter…

And financially they do really well out of us, I have two subs running paid in advance as I need the recruit a friend rewards, and as long as what they throw in the cash shop interests me, then I’ll pretty much keep throwing my spare cash at them.

I’m not an example of every player, but certainly some of them, so it takes all sorts. A wise developer would tend all the garden, not just some of it… :smiling_face:


totally the same case for me. :joy: i love Customizations same in FF14.

Hibiscus flower for trolls have been asked since September 2020, and even before that.

One suggestion for Female Trolls - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (