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Hi Sarte! I’m looking for the same thing, if you happen to find something, let me know :slight_smile:

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I will let you know :smiley:

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Hello there,
From the given information about yourself and what you’re looking in a guild/team, I think you’d be a good fit within our AotC team!
But there is a slight dilemma, the AotC teams raiding days for 10.2 will be Sundays and Tuesdays 20:30-23:00ST. Which is on a day you’ve not listed and 30 minutes before your desired time.
Is this a deal breaker?
If it isn’t, and you’re interested in running as a healer for the team, do hit me up in discord (2 healing spots open).
Discord ID: reptution

@Jensyn if you’re also interested feel free to reach out and I’m happy to discuss details and other valuable information with you both! :slight_smile:

PS: The guild is on Tarren Mill (tho we do welcome cross-realm members within the AotC team, tho it does come with a few downsides to you as a player).

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hey there, i think we might be a good match, ill link you our recruitment post, read it and come back to me if ypu like it. :blush: