As if getting 1v15’d on every world quest wasn’t enough, due to bad shard balancing. But now also every hordie not only runs with an entire raid group, but also a fish-goblin bodyguard that spam heals him to full every 10sec.
Not to mention how impossible it is to leave combat with those bodyguards constantly keeping you stuck in it.
PLEASE! Just remove the bodyguards whenever warmode is enabled and give us the daily quests by default. Nothing else has ruined my enjoyment more this patch than this garbage follower system(well besides class design ofc).
At least make them npc targets rather than pvp targets, screws my targeting. Player targeting should only be on players, makes no sense to include npcs, there’s a seperate targeting option for them.
Like, its cool to have these followers when running around doing WQs, but yes, they should absolutely not be there for pvp, they make the wpw worse being there. They do quite a lot of damage and their skills can be really annoying for Wpvp.
I personally don’t like them in PvE either, as a night elf arcane mage, I have Shadowmeld, Greater Invisibility and Mass Invisibility to drop combat 3 times in total, but it doesn’t matter cuz the follower keeps me in combat anyway.
Yeah its silly, what actually really annoys me about this, is that in Legion, later on, they gave us a button to dismiss the follower when out in the world so we wouldnt have those problems so often, why didn’t they make that again here…
People quest less in groups, so blizzard deciding to add these “friends”. There are the reasons why it’s bad idea to have these bodyguards though:
They are annoying. Who ever made those kelpins, screw you, you are not funny, they are not funny, just annoying.
Characters are already overtuned and speedmode trough the quests, we don’t need extra help, if we do we should get real friends to quest with.
It’s really bad for pvp, disturbs whole balance and adds even more non equality and uncertainty what is happening. I even actually got rogue out of stealth due to his bodyguard.
Combat bugs. Forever in combat at times due to these guys in both pvp and pve.
If you want players to not feel as alone when questing don’t go for this band aid, go at the core of the problem: content is too easy, make them group by making content harder.
Yeah. I was fighting a DH the other day and he ran off when low, his follower healed him full whilst taking half my health off me then he ran back and it just kept going on like that absolutely broken
Or maybe balance the bodyguards and make sure Alliance also have one that is primarily a healer. Even with WM off, this would benefit many players.
Mine do occasionally throw a heal, but usually only after I’ve dipped below 30% and have already hit panic buttons and started to get out of the area. They end up dead somewhere behind me.
I miss Leorajh from WoD. He was big, he was easy to see, he didn’t pull aggro, and he healed me like he cared. To this day, the best bodyguard.
The bodyguards on Allaince outright well suck they have:
-Less health than the Horde ones
-Have quite useless abilities, 1 is even broken and doesn’t work at all!
-Do less damage overall.
Then we get Neri who can almost solo elites, or Poen who can AoE entire groups in a matter of seconds while rooting them and casting full heal 24/7. Or their tanky follower who summons a 809k elite for ya! Meanwhile with my Alliance followers I wonder why they even exist except to gain rep or to annoy me by keeping me in combat.
“I place trap right onto my own feet that disappears in 3 sec!”- Worthless hunter Akana
“My lv 15 ability doesn’t even work!” - Blademaster Auto-Attack who can’t even hold aggro
We also need the button back to make them go passive when I’m herbing stop pulling aggro and getting into fights of other players…
Cause is simple, all those dailies that say you need 3 or 5 people I never had trouble (not even non-raiding chars) to solo. Bar the few I decide to do between LV 116 and 120 when thanks to leveling your gear is beyond bad.
Blizzard’s quest: Caution3 players needed!
Me: Oh, just 800k. Why do I need to ask for help?