Please do something about enha

Enhancement shamans are way too squishy right now and it sucks. Imagine being a hybrid class and being outhealed by a warrior, and ontop of that having to sac damage to heal.


I think thats the key. We need more passive heal instead active one. So instead healing non stop, we get some passive heal.
Also we need defensive spell to use while stunned.

Already suggested here.

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I don’t understand the use of Hybrid Class, we’ve not been that for a long time, just because we have the ability to heal as enh, doesn’t mean we are hybrid.

Heals as enh are weak unless you get a lucky proc, but our overall survive-ability is bad, sure we can do damage (if we are lucky to get procs and aren’t swinging at thin air) but means nothing if you are dead.

It didn’t mean Hybrid as DPS-Healer but as Range-Melee DPS

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