Enhancement Shaman needed Changes

IMHO those are the changes that I want to see in the future patches

  • Flame Shock should have been removed from Enhance long ago, it’s just a another bloat and not that meaningful button to press.

Removal of Flame Shock as an ability, it’s now a debuff applied by Laval lash or Frost Shock. It’s initial damage will move to the dot part or to LL / FrS.

Lava Lash : Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing (109% of Attack power) Fire damage.
Damage is increased by 100% if your offhand weapon is imbued with Flametongue Weapon.
Molten Assault
Lava Lash will affect the target with Flame Shock and spread it to 4 nearby targets

Frost Shock : Chills the target with frost, causing (63% of Spell power) Frost damage and reducing the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
Frost Shock affect the target with Flame Shock, if Flame Shock is already on the target, spread it to 4 nearby targets

ps : I know that a frost spell spreading a fire spell doesn’t really make sense, but frankly, I don’t care about class fantasy anymore, I just want a good class gameplay.

Right now, you need use flame shock > GCD > Lava Lash > GCD > whatever ability just to aoe and it’s pretty tedious and boring to do.

  • Survivability problem : Another Enhance big problem in PvP is it’s survivability, that’s is known to worst of the game, Enhance is probably the least played spec in any PvP environment, due to it being super bloated and on top of that super squishy with the LEAST AMOUNT of defensive tools.

A talent that should make a comeback from Warlords Of Draenor (which imho is the best era for Enhance Shaman) is Shamantistic Rage, god I miss this talent :

Shamanistic Rage : Reduces all damage taken by xx% for xx sec. This spell is used while stunned

i would exchange this talent with the current Astral Shift ANY DAY and I’m sure a lot of my fellow Shaman would do too.

  • Selfhealing and MW problem : Out main defensive tool is the same we use to do damage which is Maelstrom Weapon and IMHO it’s an extremely bad game design.

It should have been something like the Ret " Selfless Healer" Talent.

Selfless Healer : Each 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon consumed reduce the cast time of your next Flash of Light by x%, and increase its healing done by x%. Stacks up to 4 times.

So like this it doesn’t gimp our damage while still being able to heal ourselves.

(We can’t abuse it anyway cause we are very mana limited)

Another solution would be the return of Spirit Hunt to Feral Spirit :

Spirit Hunt : Spirit Wolves’ attacks heal them and their master for % of damage done.

by offloading some of our direct healing to the Feral Spirit talent BUT :

-ONLY if the said talent is picked, so people that don’t like / want Feral Spirit won’t be forced to pick it.
-Or put that healing effect into another talent, so people can still play with Feral Spirit without it’s healing effects, while keeping the power of our direct healing

The healing will of course be less effective since we can now use Feral Spirit more often , so either :

-Reduce the healing effect for duration of the summoning
-Make Spirit Hunt only effective for the first 5 sec after the summoning

  • Totem triggering GCD :

Most of our totems don’t have any OVERPOWERED instant effect and should only trigger GCD for other totems, Aside maybe from capacitor (which is not OP anyway)

  • Current Talent changes :

Elemental Orbit : Increases the number of Elemental Shields you can have active on yourself by 1.
You can have Earth Shield on yourself and one ally at the same time.

Another that want it to be added this is talent is making Earth Shield working like Lightning Shield when used on OURSELVES , having 1 hour duration with unlimited charges = less button bloating please.

(please take note that this change is not counted with the return of Shamanistic Rage end Spirit Hunt)

Capacitor Totem : Can we have a talent to convert Capacitor Totem to a ONE target INSTANT stun of 4-5 seconds please ?

ps : Anyone can post this on the US forums ? thanks.


Glyphed Stoneclaw Totem was the king :smirk:

I think what we need is a full immunity. Like Time stop or Ice block. If I remember correctly Astral shift used to do this at some point.

I’m surviving just fine during normal damage, it’s when people pop their super sayan macros things go bad.

I think right now we need:

Doomwinds out of GCD and more duration/dmg.

Have 10 stacks of Maelstrom as before, you can use 5 to heal, and 5 to do dmg. Now with the new talent is so bad to waste 10 stacks in 1 spell.

I think we need some talent or something which increase our armour we are ultra squishy vs meles.

Buff again healing surge, the actual healing is horrible

Bloodlust PvP talent ( cannot be purged ) and cost 0 and grounding a normal totem for every spec of shaman.

A Normal stun like every class in the game have, idk why in 2022, we don’t have a stun.

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I agree on the defensive, we need something bigger and maybe more passive heals instead just active one.

Also, I agree on the flame shock.

Left side of the talent tree is also meh, cuz majority of the talents are MUST totems… They could add some as a base spells and add some defensive talents instead.

Well, usually, such powerful abilities are on gcd for a reason, plus doomwinds will only affect your auto attacks, so no gimping there for your burst.

This will be bad cause you will need 2 GCD to use those 2 stacks of MW, I prefer the two solutions I proposed.

Again, I prefer the solutions I proposed. Passive healing on Wolves or Selfless healer-like talent

Especially that totems are extremely easy to kill and most pvp players have addons that detect / warn about totems for instant switch to them.

How come alot off ppl are saying Enh shammy has been in the best spot ever, meanwhile there’s other ppl that are saying it sucks and needs reworks :confused:

I feel like Enh Shammy’s are Feral/Boomie community v2. Never happy, always complaining.

Good in PvE, bad in PvP, that’s why.

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