Please do something about the Boosters Spamming in Trade Chat

There is Unlimited Boosting Spam by Level 1 characters in Trade chat about Guilds or Communities offering PvE and PvP Boosts. All these chats are done using addons or some type of automated software (maybe bots?).

Blizzard please look into this, Trade chat is just a “Booster Spam” channel now. Please atleast implement a Level filter so only players above a specific level are allowed to talk in chat channels.

Something has to be done about this.


There needs to be a seperate channel only for boosters.


Granted you probably cba to use it for all of them but why don’t you give the ol’ /ignore a whirl?

You’ll cap your ignore list in a day.

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There’s a cap?

And it’s a start at least.

Well I was sort of exaggerating, but yeah there used to be anyway. I think it used to cap at 50 people.

We can’t ignore new level 1 alts every hour mate.

Been told countless times for people to use BadBoy;


Seriously? EVERY HOUR?

I thought they only made new ones when they got banned.

Using all sub-addons of this, Not working. I can still see spam from some sh*tty gallywix community and stuff like that.

Bull, I’ve used it for years and I’ve not seen ANY spam minus the one that might get through once a month

Keep in mind, You could always leave trade you know… I doubt you there for trading, just the drama and conversation - c’mon everyone are :smirk:
So these boost sellers actually uses the Trade for advertising a trade - you trade your gold with them for their services :eyes:
While the discussions, OwOs and everything elese…? Nothing to do with trading and such :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t mind people selling stuff for gold. Some of these boosts are for real money and are advertised by Level 1 bots. (Fully automated). That should be taken care of. Atleast implement a 5-level minimum requirement for Non-allied races and 25-level minimum requirement for Allied race chars in order to enter trade chat, that would actually cut down the spam by half.

I started to use an addon that filtered them for a while, then despite the keywords they got trough it and I just gave up and turned Trade off. It pisses me off as well tbh, but sadly technically it is “trading” but I wish they had their own channel and they’d be forbidden to advertise anywhere else apart from that one channel.

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Trade caht is for trade if you do not like trade leave trade chat.

Want to talk about your nonsensical crap in trade chat you got others chanels for it.

You should leave trade chat if you do not talk about trade in first palce but about your nonsensical crap which i bet is case.

There needs to be seperate channel for all non trade crap in trade chat!

OOOO sorry there is so keep your crap there !

At least they are not copy-paste spams sent by living bots.

There was a level 1 Human Mage in the trade district literally called “Boostforgold” xD

There was, but it got cut in half during cata and now it’s horde-dominated :disappointed:

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