Please do something about Vicious Saddles that we cannot use anymore

Hello Blizz,

Please do something about the vicious saddles that keep piling up in our banks. You know? The Items we get from winning rated PvP that allow us to buy faction mounts?

When you collect all the mounts they become absolutely useless. I don’t even have it so bad yet, but my friend has nearly 100 of them just piled up in his banks.

Can you just make them vendorable for some reasonable gold sum, exchange them for honor (or marks) or even conquest (warband transferable)?

Heck idk I’d love to see us be able to post them on AH for some high prices, and I’m sure PvE players who never touch rated would be very much delighted. Altho this last idea is very controversial and I know many PvP players won’t agree.

Just like… do something, please :confused:

What do others think about this?

Maybe becoming a Vicious Saddle NPC vendor would be a good retirement job.

Jokes set aside, they should be sellable for 1 copper atleast so we can get rid of it.

I mean for a price of 1 copper you can just delete them lol

Seems kind of a bad way to go considering you need like what… 50 rated wins?

should be able to sell them for honor

saddle = 1000 honor

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