Please don't buy the deluxe edition

I’m not here to TELL you what to do, I’m here to ask you not to do it, respectfully

Guess what? No one thinks you’re cool for whipping out a toy or a mount you bought with your credit card. It’s not impressive, it’s not an achievement, it means nothing.

Don’t support their greed; if they had added those things into the game for free and you could do a quest or they dropped from something, fine, that’s another discussion. But they are asking you for your money for things that weren’t originally in TBC. Don’t fall for it, don’t reward their behavior, because if enough people shell out cash for this stuff, when Wrath drops we might end up with an in-game store like retail WoW because they’ll have seen that people are willing to spend more and more money.

They make millions/billions a year, they don’t need your $70 for a deluxe edition. Be better than that.



and save the game. Big true


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V


The people who buy these mtx don’t buy it because they think it makes them impressive they buy it because they have expendable cash and they like to spend it on their hobby and they might just like the look of it nobody actually believes there is prestige buying it.

Do people need to buy a Tesla I mean Elon musk is rich enough? Let people spend their money how they see fit if you don’t like mtx don’t buy it and if blizzard introduce transactions that impact your personal gameplay unsubscribe that’s what I would do they haven’t crossed that line for me yet.


Ill buy it. Stop being poor, ty.


i’ll buy it too :slight_smile: its only money


guys don’t buy official blizzard stuff
buys gold and gears his char in gdkp raids


They are actively ruining my expierience because they have no self control. If they want to buy cosmetics there is retail.


Indeed the same topic as on the US forums, but there the reaction was more reversed, in the sense that people told the OP to mind his/her/it own business and that they would buy what they wanted.

I wouldn’t buy it to flex, I’d buy to because I, and I alone like it.

People like:

Are just angry little people who can’t stomach the fact that people run around on one mount that didn’t exist back then. Pretty sad imo. Also making sad little nerds like that rage is absolutely an extra reason to buy it :sunglasses:


Just don’t be poor. How hard is that?


its free market.

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Yeah get a job you losers, being all salty because you can’t afford it :joy:

Cant wait to see all the salty job center boys crying over my mount and pet


It’s false advertisement. This isn’t classic tbc.

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I’m literally SHAKING just thinking about seeing people with a store mount


:rofl: Please stop, my coffee, it’s all over my screen from spitting it out with laughter.


You are free to leave then poor boy. Use that time to get a job maybe to afford more than 15$ a month for personal expenses. XD


Ohh you sad little man, imagine trying to orchestrate server wide punishments for those you disagree with.

I’m going to buy this despite likely never using the mount. Simply because I like collecters and Deluxe editions of things I like, I like to reward companies for making stuff I like.

This probably isn’t the game for you. You know it’s here, it’s going nowhere. Maybe try another company?

Go outside or something, this can’t be healthy.


It was never the plan to be … already to much that has change for that , so why not make a $ or 2 on it.

I found the Blizzard gimp

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well its not 2007 either… and just because free market exists you are able to play that game again. By free market I mean, if there is demand, there is supply…

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