Please don't buy the deluxe edition

Guys don’t be so harsh. His mom just cut him off from his allowance since he hasnt cleaned his basement cave in 3 months. Give a brother some slack, its hard for him :frowning: Thoughts and prayers XD


They won’t buy anything. It’s called trolling (getting a reaction out of people).

Oh please watch your blood pressure. It’s not healthy getting this upset over pixels.


And you’d be surprised how many people outside of the forum actually care about this enough to go on a toxic crusade to exclude others who buy what they like. Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re the one that’s gonna be excluded on that front. But GL tho. Like I said I can’t wait for the reaction you sad people are going to get from the actual adults.

I see you dodged the question so i will assume you are a welfare collector. Enjoy that

Haha funny thing is you can mount in arena just make a team called lizard boys or something then mount up on new mount and they will think he’s a pay to win player he’s probably trash then you absolutely wreck them the salt will be real.

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I swear to literal God that I was not about to buy the deluxe, but seeing poor people as I drive by in my mount will make up for the financial loss of the DE. Buying it as soon as I can xD

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“toxic”…anyone who uses that word has no business on the internet by dude.

Oh sh.t, so THAT was YOU at the wellfare office that i ran into. I thought you looked familiar. Get well soon xD

I brought loads of tbc mounts and toys with my money few years a go about £1000+ did it make me any better? nope did I look cool yes for a little bit but I don’t see why I did it now I wish I had the money in a saving account or used it to build a nice pc =)

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You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like xD

Another excellent counter- argument!

Let people buy what they enjoy and want to spend their money on and lead your own life, it’s that simple.


It will happen so please go and buy the mount dummy. What server are you on btw?

mans talks about maturity, but makes a post like this.


All the boomers buying mounts pretending like everyone else is triggerd, when in reality noone is more triggered than them in this thread.

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Well it’s my personal little project to gank and exclude these people from my groups and find like minded people to encourage them to do the same. What’s it to you?

What was immature about that post? Your brain is immature

And I respectfully decline your request.

Idgaf what someone else thinks about this.
I give a huge f about what I think, and I think the mount looks cool, and the hearthstone Animation is awesome.

When it comes to what I do in my me-time for my personal enjoyment, no ones opinion but my own matters to me.

I have literally given them money on a monthly basis, for the last 2 years, to play a 17 years old videogame.

It’s a little too late to talk about “not supporting their greed” :smiley:

I don’t care what may happens when Wrath Drops, and I don’t have to care.
I am here for TBC, for this expansion.

Not killing Animals for food makes someone a good person.
Being helpful to others makes someonea good person.
Being kind to those less fortunate in life than himself makes someone a good person.
Not judging people for the color of their skin / their beliefs / their social status makes someonea good person.

Not buying a toy in a videogame has exactly ZERO impact on how good or bad a person is.


Most people don’t care but you obviously do otherwise you would not be so salty crying on the forums over a cosmetic item and who cares if blizzard is taking money for a cosmetic item it’s not your money so chillax little guy.


It’s been a literal minute since you responded mate. Did a customer come with his car and did you have to give him a full tank of gas, or is something else wrong? :open_mouth:

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