Please don't buy the deluxe edition

In other news FFIX has more subs than wow lmao.

More weebs too though so it evens out.
(settle down cat-people it’s a joke)

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That is a Single Player game tho xD

I’m sure this guy works for blizzard all the people he’s pushing into buying the deluxe edition what’s your commission


wtf are u talking about??

So why dont you punish Blizzard for offering this by unsubbing and telling them why you dont want to play wow anymore?
Dont get what players buying officially offered item has to do with your problem with Blizzard…
For the record, Im not buying anything from store and never did


FFIX is a SP game, no sub required. what are you talking about miss? xd

ok my bad. he wrote the wrong FF. but still u know what he meant.

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You seem to know a lot about FF weeb.

I do actually. Strange being called a weeb by a guy who plays a womanly looking elf, but to each his own weebness i guess. I dont judge others by their weebness :slight_smile:


I will do as always that is as I please and I will buy a boost for an human female warlock , my money , my decisions !

You do not decide how i should spend MY money !

In fact you peple trying to tell us what to do are gonna get the reverse effect !

You can come at me, nothing you can dish out will dent a scratch on me !


Are you gendershameing me right now?

^ This topic is the proof of how Activision-Blizzard’s market strategy works properly.
Spamming forums full with trash like “stop being poor” and “I’m gonna buy just to annoy you, nerd”. Oh, sweet summerchilds, you are not annoying anyone, you are just sealing the destiny of classic wow’s future, and making WoTLK unenjoyable in these moments. Keep it on, ignore the only chance to prevent classic wow being retail 2.0, nice work.

Retail is already on the level of a garbage android mobile game, monetized as much as possible, with the game price, sub price, and literal p2w every corner, that is what the communities behavior made with the star of the MMORPGs. Gold bought without limit, spent on arena boost, raid boost, mythic boost, and on super expensive mounts and gear. Now the same happens with classic wow, you buy the deluxe edition, skip 200 hours gametime, use the mount you never could get by actual playing of the game, but who cares, it’s just a mount, right? Yeah, this is nothing else just the reason why ~10 million players left the game. But sure, it’s a problem, because people can’t afford another 70 bucks, not because it ruins the game, what people want to play and see it blooming insted of milked all possible ways. Blizz made a fool of you guys, be proud of it, and roflstomp everyone who tries to preserve the game how it was in its golden age, without the dirty greedy hands on it. Clowns… :clown_face:

pls do not start this.

Nah mate, I wouldnt dare since you are doing a fine job of shameing yourself. Coming on these forums and talking about stuff you clearly know nothing about.You cant even read roman numerals so what was i thinking tho? xD

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Yawn. :sleeping: :sleeping:

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You have some expert knowledge about work at gas station there pal.

I’m a weaking for not supporting ingame harassment? Okay then.

You just described classic wow vanilla. buy gold, run gdkp buy items, bot pool boost ,pay mafia for rank 14 premade boost, level alt pay mage watch netflix not got enough time buy a maxed account for more money.need potions buy more gold.

What’s the difference ?

mtx is not the same as pay to win but okay it’s your decision to play a game then pay a sub when you know there micro transactions in the game.your even paying them right now as you need to pay to post here how does that make you feel.

The guy saying it’s because your poor because your trying to tell him what he can or cannot spend his money on its two sides of the coin I’d say people who try and control people’s decisions will be more likely to spend just out of spite


Well I do have a car , and cars usually go to a gas station. I know you are not aware of this but cars are what people with money use to travel places. Like you when you take your carriage, except we don’t use horses anymore. We use internal combustion engines to get us places, and just so you understand, instead of feeding them hay, like you would, they require gasoline as sustenance. I hope i have enlightened you on the aspect of cars. Have a great day xD