Please don't do that to Shadowlands

If Blizzard would release Vale and Uldum in waves. Maybe Visions as well~ first Orgrimmar and then Stormwind. We would have more time for ourselves now and something to do later.

Blizzard fails to think long-term once again.

I completely disagree with you here. Imo it’s a horrible system.

Neh man… then people would be up in arms about ‘timegating’ again. It’s really a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Anyway… I wouldn’t have minded it either way IF THE ACTUAL CONTENT WAS FUN. Which it is NOT. Corruption sucks. Visions suck. It’s bad bad bad bad content. Imo, of course.

I very much dislike corruption. I can’t speak for others but to me it is the worst system to date that we’ve had to endure.

If you have gold, just go buy your bis corruptions from the AH, do great damage. If you are like me and just do the content but get nothing but garbage corruption (if at all).

The weekly chest is guaranteed to drop a corrupted item unless you get a trinket, out of that guaranteed drop there is only 2% chance of it being a desirable corruption. So on gear from all other content, there is the added chance that you wont get any corruption at all. Trying to get gear with desirable corruption is on par with farming a legacy raid mount.

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It would make much more sense for corruption’s strenght to scale with ilvl. At this point it makes more sense to run Nyalotha normal than mythic - you’ll get many more chances at good corruptions. My guild’s dps is all over the place because there’s a huge gap between people with good corruptions and without, while everyone’s ilvl is ~460.

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You should be able to buy ranks without farming reps or achievements again.
Farming the currency again is fine, refarming the entire thing is not.

That’s exactly what made it bad though, it was presented to us as the first major patch and it didn’t do anything. The highlight of the first major patch was a heirloom collection tab, that’s pretty bad if you ask me. Fair enough if Ion said that but I gotta work off of what they said then and there, no takesies backsies

Of course you like corruption, you have echoing void and mind flay on you. You’d have to be crazy to not like corruption.

I bought (not RNG’d) mind flay for 550k gold, and IT ALONE does more damage in some scenarios (when RNG favors me) than all of my other skills. If RNG is bad it deals at least 10% of my dmg.

Imagine what I could do if I had echoing void, raid dropped mindflay weapon and gushing wounds. I would LOVE corruption then too. Doesn’t mean it’s a good system though lol.

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You dislike it, because you havnt got anything good. However what else can suggest to keep people repeating the same dungeon/raid for 30 times? Back to titanforge or bis lists with bosses droping 2 items for 40 players?
Corruption system doesn’t inflate ilvl nor leave people without any loot for weeks. It only needs few adjustments like tune down power from single corruption and allow all items to have it with similar powergain in the end, but spead among several items. So one lucky rank3 won’t be such big deal.

I dislike it because of the reasons I listed.

It wouldn’t matter if I had got that insane luck and got all the bis corruptions. the problem with the system remain. This is the closest we have ever been to a pay to win system when it comes to gear. Corruption is so effective and powerful that you can literally buy your best corruptions in BoEs.

Even with Legion legendaries you knew getting some of the bad ones would remove them from your loot pool and give you a greater chance of getting a good one. With Corruption it’s an endless pool of rubbish chances.

It was like they ignored all the criticism with RNG regarding TF and introduced a system with even worse RNG and again ilvl is meaningless.

I do World Quests and LFR. I can assure you, it is not why I like it.

I guess from a general design point of view, I like the fact that a Corruption item does something actively. It influences my gameplay, makes me excited during the moments where it all procs at just the right time, and it adds some cool visuals as well. It’s more than just a passive 0,01% DPS increase from getting yet another pile of +Intellect added to the already giant pile.

I wish they’d just stop introducing new systems and fine tune the existing ones. It feels like they’re just inventing a plethora of new ones and throwing them at the wall and seeing what sticks. It feels cheap.

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Don’t you think that’s an issue? Corruptions are doing 10-40% of someones dps and there’s people who still hasn’t gotten any, sure everyone will have a good one before shadowlands statistically but it won’t matter if you get it in 5 months, the content will be long dead by then.

I’ve gotten 2x infinite stars and 2x echoing void so far so I’ve probably been luckier than most if that’s what you base people’s dislike of the corruption system on.

8.3 Isnt bad… and i find it unlikely to be the most hated patch either.

The Dailies arent mandatory, giving us Option to just not to do them, which is a Major thing the community has been asking for.

the Visions keep some soloable content some interest, rather then just another thing ignored, to actually push Keys and see how far you get is actually quite fun. and does hold a level of risk to it.

The Cloak, Does feel alittle bland in what it does so upgrading it doesnt feel that major, but feels mandatory, which i guess u could consider one of the negative points to it.

Most people i talk to Dont hate the content 8.3 brought out, most people i talk to, dislike the Fact this is susposed to last us like 10-11 months, and the cut of 8.3.5 Means we are getting no extras to Spice the content up until Shadowlands.

For Corruption gear, Its alittle RNG For my liking, SL seems to be bringing a system we actually build it ourselves, which means It may not be as RNG as this method, i’d like to see more interesting things then Stacking 1 thing Multiple times for best results… so maybe a Stronger balancing to them would be good.

if corruption was Somethinhg we earnt and applied to our gear, customizing the effects of our gear on a Non-RNG Process it’d be WAAY Better… but the problem that We’d end up stacking Multiples of 1 Corruption effect would keep it bland.

it can be molded into something good and mechanically fun… but yeah it does need work… this iteration is defintly not the one i want in SL.

An hour a day if you have unlocked flying which will take you additional 3 weeks.
That is 21 hour of continuous grind to unlock flying and additional 21 hours.

42 hours of working bullsht crap that is not streamlined and you pay them 13 euros to work for what? a basic ability to access content and have fun?

No way man.

Fun ist verboten ! Arbeit !

Corruption is linked to the whole N’Zoth thing. There is no reason to take it over to the next patch

I personally dislike corruption because i didn’t do anything to earn that damage increase. I’m not playing better, i just got lucky, that’s it.

Do you also dislike getting gear? You could get sweet sweet azerite power, but you got gear. It’s not for playing better, you just got lucky, that’s it.

For me the selfie cam one was.

Last time i checked 1 azerite piece didn’t equal 40-50% of my damage

Just had a tier 3 infinite stars ring from a bg win :smiley: