Please DON'T release Cataclysm ,,Classic". Cataclysm it's not a Classic expansion, Cataclysm is a Hybrid expansion!

Well I certainly don’t get the guy. He’s not even remotely consistent in his views.

BTW, I came up with a concept for a new Arena team - The Fishwives, consisting entirely of Dwarves. Basically all team members equip a White Wedding Dress and a trophy fish in their offhand slot.

The idea was cruelly shot down in flames by my guildies who have some bizarre notion about wanting to win :neutral_face:

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What exactly does OP want?

Wotlkc p4 forever?

If you dont like cata, maybe just dont play it?

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So, rather than objecting to Blizzard ruining the game by forcing us to ‘upgrade’ to the expansion that caused subscriptions to nosdive, changed the game into what Retail is today, and was instrumental in many people’s desire to play WoW Classic you tell us to just suck it up or cancel our subs if we don’t like it?

You might not want to play WotLK forever, but plenty of others do.


The problem is that that is exactly what happened back in the old days; people didn’t like it so they stopped playing. It’s why we got Classic in the first place.

If we follow WoW’s timeline 1 for 1, the same thing happens again. We can have Cataclysm, but not as it was.

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As a newer WoW player, thank you for putting my feelings into words. I started playing in TBCC, but WOTLKC just felt off for me for some reason.

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Even if half the playerbase stays wotlk and half goes cataa it will still be more then enough to populated 2 very high popped servers.


If you dont want cata, just dont play. Why shouldnt the ppl who want cata get it aswell? I never experienced it i would love be to do that tbh. Cata is FAR away from retail.


I vote for creating wtolk forever/wotlk with ladder that resorts. Something like that.

+Release cata aswell! Alot of us wants to experience cata!


That’s a terrible argument. You’re telling me that I should throw my now 3-year character away and stop playing because I don’t want to see Blizzard make the exact same mistakes the first time round?

Everything from Cata; aside from the talent trees, is still available in retail.


What does “hybrid expansion” even mean xD

I think Cata killed WoW kinda. But at the same time, WotLK forever sounds boring, WotLK+ sounds like they won’t make it right, so Cata is the only way to proceed after a couple years. There are some good things in Cata, I’ll rather appreciate them than farm ICC or some newborn abomination raid.

But tbh, I’d rather just play Vanilla Classic again. Hope they’ll make one and not some abomination SoM 2.


This is objectively false and you can read so by rereading the statements of the release of classic back near half a decade ago at this point. If you still want to spread false information about what “classic” is, then just dont bother. Every single blue post outlying why and what they are changing to better fit the ideals of a classic experience in TBC and WOTLK outright disproves your subjective opinion.

Yes, if you dont like cata but the community is gonna move into cata at large (surveys have been rolled out), then you need to realize it is high time for you to find something else to do.

If a product works, they just release it again so that the next generation can enjoy it too.
The product’s lifetime is expanded and the company wins.
It’s just that.
In time, there will be a cata, a mop, a wod, a legion, etc

It’s what works and provides subscriptions for very little effort.

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And realize what people want at the end finaly.
Not a bad game with 0 QoL and horrible gameplay like Classic 2019 apparently

**I Just DON’T WANT WOTLK Classic to end up like WOTLK Retail back in 2008, REMEMBER: WOTLK Retail was played only 2 years and for WOTLK 2 years is nothing !!! **

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i say the reasons, why we are against cataclysm classic

  • destruction of all kalimdor and eastern kingdoms
  • deleted all recipes, quests, npcs, a lot of rares by remake of the olt world in cataclysm
  • cataclysm has the worst talent trees , there was no diversity and no individuality
  • cataclysm has a worse class design, a lot of class abilities were removes, seal of vengeance for pala for example …
  • lfr makes boss defeats worthless with a too low difficulty
  • destruction of 25er raids, because 10er raids have in cataclysm far more positives
  • worse high end content, dragon soul was cheap, bosses there were 0815 models without deathwing, blackwingdescent was uninteresting
  • dungeons were unmotivated
  • nothing new, shadowfang keep/deadmines/onyxia/nefarian/ragnaros, not new
  • boring item upgrade grind
  • bad story, a dragon, who destroyed kalimdor and kingdoms, were defeated by 25 bad playing noobs in lfr difficulty
  • nothing to explore

cataclysm was by far the worst expansion for me … but if blizzard gives us wotlk era servers, i am happy …

cataclysm was the first expansion, where the player counts became lower …


Then don’t play it.

It’s the story, after 6 years of the same map it’s not bad to get the evolution of the map.


Wrong, Cataclysm got the best talents ever because they are rich in mecanics.
I played Wotlk over 12 years and saying it was better before is denial.
Old talent tree is just illusion, fake choice, everyone are taking the same min max talents.

I mained Hunt on Wotlk over 12 years and Hunter is 10x better on Cataclysm, even if i don’t like very much the focalisation.
Healing on Cataclysm is 1000x better and skilled than Wotlk.
I tried ChamanElem and it’s 100x better than 3 bind specs from Wotlk.

They should re add some abilities and buffs.

I don’t care about LFR, let people clean the content with an easy mode if they want.
But LFR ilvl items should be lesser than Normal Mode.

I thought exactly the same things over 12 years until… Wotlk Classic.
I can’t wait for Cataclysm to find a small guild to do only 10 man raids.
I have never get an horrible experience like that with people on Wotlk, never, even on Warmane. I hate 25 man guild now because of this toxic community from Retail or Renew players.

Yes but best first content ever made by Blizzard.
Dungeons and T11 content are so awesome.
Wotlk is so bad in comparison.

From Vanilla until Cataclysm, in my knowledge Cataclysm have the better dungeons ever made because of their difficulty (real difficulty) and mecanics.
The only bad thing is they are small and not huge like Vanilla. But it’s the same case on TBC and Wotlk so…

Shadowfang and DM are just 2 dungeons but i agree they could did a better rework.
Onyxia is Wotlk.
Nefarian and Ragnaros are NOTHNG equal with Vanilla raid.
They have just the same name no more, EVERYTHING is different.

But we can talk about Onyxia 80 and Naxxramass ? EXACTLY the same tacts, SAME design.

And what about killing the Lord of the Fire Ragnaros with 40 noobs with blue items ?
Or Illidan or Kil Jeaden with 25 noobs ?

Just 5 new zones, like Wotlk and Outland ?

Yeah with 80% bad arguments ofc it was the worst expansion.

Ofc it became lower, after Blizzard released the best popular expansion ever with the best popular character of Warcraft III.
It’s not because there are less player that it’s forcely bad and at the same time some new people came.

I suggest you to think a bit before just putting 80% of wrong arguments.
And if you don’t want, yes, stay on Wotlk ERA.


Personally I prefer elephants.
There I said it.

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Reporting you for troll quoting.