Please DON'T release Cataclysm ,,Classic". Cataclysm it's not a Classic expansion, Cataclysm is a Hybrid expansion!

Please DON’T release Cataclysm ,Classic". Cataclysm it’s not a Classic expansion, Cataclysm is a Hybrid expansion!
The same Topic Name speaks enough.
I don’t want to say that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is a bad expansion, on the contrary
But when you see Cataclysm it’s not a Classic and it will never be the same as Vanilla WoW, TBC, and WOTLK These three expansions, are parallel connected to Warcraft Trilogy Series. When you have already allowed us to have this special precious expansion again (WOTLK CLASSIC) dear Blizzard, don’t ruin this precious magic for us again like in 2010 for releasing Cata ,Classic"!


Ask for Wotlk ERA, stay on it and let us go to Cataclysm Classic.

Problem solved and both community are happy.




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Why not have both? Theyve retained additional servers for classic snd tbc. Just add wotlk to that.


No there are no servers for TBC.

While the idea of keeping WOTLK Era and releasing Cataclysm at the same time is great, this will further divide the community and produce more and more dead servers. While keeping a version for every taste is great, this is MMO after all, it’s great when many people play the same thing.


You said Cataclysm ,Classic’’. But Cata was never a Classic expansion, It’s a Hybrid expansion mate.

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No, Cataclysm was/will be the abrupt and cruel end to Classic


WOTLK is the OG Expansion and top #1 as you said this is MMO after all and i thnk the real classic experience is WOTLK, WOTLK is the finale in World of Warcraft Classic Series, so the real place for people to play the same thing is WOTLK Classic. You can see the pure example with Warmane, Since 2009 they have always full servers per realm, and during the holidays there are queue on the realms and remember Warmane is just a cheap copy from the original one.


Classic doesn’t mean “Vanilla”, Classic is the same experience of the previous name.
Cataclysm Classic = The Classic (originale) experience of Cataclysm.

You don’t even know that in 2023 after 3 classic ?


I just don’t want the end of WOTLK Classic,as they did to TBC…Unfortunately.


WoTLK was a hybrid expansion too. In terms of gameplay, mechanics and conveniences, it is vastly different to Vanilla and TBC. WoTLK is much closer to Cataclysm in terms of gameplay than it is to Vanilla or TBC.

Most of the things that Cata did wrong started with Wrath. And they can all be undone with #majorchanges.


I don’t care about your excuse, learn to read and learn the definition of Classic before trying to remove our opportunity to get Cataclysm. We already get a Wotlk without RDF because of people like you.

And even if there is a Cataclysm, it will be not Classic because they will do many changes, more changes than Wotlk, even Wotlk is not Classic.
This Wotlk Reforged instead.


Hate to break it to you, but WotLK’s sole point was to pave the way for the ‘new’ WoW that was known as Cataclysm and onwards.

Vanilla+TBC are garbage, they worked back then because lower industry standards and new, they won’t work again 20 years later, as we have seen, because people said ‘‘OmG I HoPe tHeRE wiLL bE WOtLK SoOn LEL’’ on day 3 of Vanilla Classic. Now WotLK is out and they realize that Classic is still crap, even in it’s final form, well, because it is.

Pandaria was the sweet spot. I know many people have problems with the chinese theme, but the content, mechanics, class balance and identity was spot-on.


If they keep moving they might as well start calling it WoW Reruns. Cata was still good, but everything afterwards was just commercial garbage that ruined what was once great.


The end of WOTLK is inevitable.
Once the last content patch is released it will last as long as the last wave of raiders populate the server. Once that’s down to the minimum it will be the end of the WOTLK server(s). Blizzard knows this, everyone knows this.


Pandaria? Content? Class balance and identity? Are you sure you’re not drunk while writing those in the same sentence? :smiley: Mop had one of the most boring phase 1 raids along with the most boring pvp ever. And don’t get me started on how they basicly made all classes look almost the same…


I think it’s time for WOW 2.

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Absolutely true. Wrath was the expansion when Activision started taking over Blizzard in 2008. Sure the leveling zones were done before the deal and there was information that the scale of the expansion left Blizzard low on funds as well as situation with Vivendi, Blizzard was part at the time.

This is why Wrath feels great at times with its leveling zone, Ulduar and ICC, but every great tier and piece of content is predecessed and followed by some cheap filler, like nerfed copy of Naxxramas, copy of Onyxia, ToC and RS.
I’d say Mist of Pandaria had more original content that Wrath and greater patches, despite having same model of minor/major patches as well. If not for the legendary lore of Arthas, who was central figure of Warcraft 3, the expansion wasn’t praised as it is.


Did you not see what happent to classic 60 era?

Next to noone will stay instead of moving on to the next expansion.

So better to just not release the next expansion


Blizzard please release Cataclysm I want to once more enjoy my OP shadow priest