Please don't rush Shadowlands

No thanks, I don’t want to sit on 8.3 for a year. Bring it out asap.

Yes but what if through bringing it out asap it comes out as bad as or worse than 8.3?

Do you want to take that risk?

Oh my dear friend, can you even guarantee that later relase will grant better quality? 10 years ago in Blizzard case i would say “defo” Blizzard was my most trustworthy gaming company, but now? not likely.

In Blizzard case it’s From Hero To Zero.

I can’t guarantee that and you know it, but later release date = more time on beta = more time to test = more time to give feedback and make changes = higher likelihood of better quality gameplay/systems/balancing.

I wish I could guarantee, I really do, but I don’t see how rushed release will give better quality than releasing it “when it’s ready”. It would be nice if it was ready soon but if I had to choose between “soon” and “ready” it’s a no-brainer IMHO.

What you described here is on paper correct, in ideal world that would work, but Blizzard showed us countless times that they ignore our feedback and they do everything their way anyway. Since 2 years whenever i had hope for Blizzard to impress me i felt disappointed, i won’t give them any more credit until i see any change into good direction, i’m out of coupons for them. I see it dark way, but can’t force myself to change it.

beta will realease soon, the “game” is finished, now will be the “balancing” and ironing phase

but i agree, 5months is good enough time to smooth out specs, lets say november release, thats 4 months, many specs are already playing smoothly, a few are not (shadow priests).

So you’re saying it’s correct but because blizzard screwed up you refuse to believe it? I mean I can’t force you to change your mind and if you want to believe that that’s fine but I think that you’re being a tad too heavy on the pessimism :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s leave it at “I don’t believe Blizzard will relase good expansion, but nothing in a world would make me more happy if they would eventually” :smiley:

That’s fair. Like people have said, 5 months is a long time.

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I can feel a spark of hope now again, i don’t want them to change everything, rather i want everything balanced and polished as first impression is most valuable right? :slight_smile:

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The only expac I’ve played at max level is bfa, so I would love to feel what a “balanced” expansion feels like.

Fingers crossed eh?

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As new player doing first time expansion release content with everybody, all i ask for is a good impression.

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