Please don't rush Shadowlands

Please Blizz, it’s time to go back to your old mantra “It’s done when it’s done”.

I think we’ve seen too many things go out too quickly to hit deadlines (WC Reforged, many WoW patches that require tonnes of fixes and changes afterwards).

I think most of the playerbase would agree that we don’t want half completed content fast and would rather see the polish of old, even if we have to wait a bit longer for it…

I just really want Shadowlands to be good… Legion good… Fricking epic.



Game is already done they are just looking for the best time to release it.

I rather wait until Dec 31st and get a good game then Oct and get a bad one.


It’s cute that you think that considering how unfinished the past 3 expansions were at launch.

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As its up for pre purchase I believe legally they have no choice but to release it this year unless they want to refund everyone whos unhappy about it coming out later

And they said it was coming this Autumn which basically just rules out December

For US Fall means

Fall 2020

  • begins Tuesday, 22 September

    • (in 75 days)
  • ends Monday, 21 December

So a pretty big time scale there I like to see it drop on 21st Dec in my view .

I definitely hope it isn’t rushed. We still have loads to test.

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so they give a refund but then they also get their game back, so when the game does come out you cant play it or you have to go out buy it again for the same price you paid before and got refunded before, making the refound just extra work where you gain nothing and you lose a lot of time getting that refund.

it seems that everyone that talks about a refund forgets that also means you don’t get what you bought to start with and in this situation it means you don’t get shadowlands so unless you don’t want to play the game then there would be no reason for the refund.

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True but it does also mean that you can change to the cheapest version if you want or even not buy it again if you dont want to.
Or wait for it to be on sale.
They can easily lose money

It’s hard for some people to wait for Shadowlands since now we’re “stuck” in 8.3, and many people don’t like it and want Shadowlands as soon as possible.
For me it’s fine, I’m chilling with my alts and roleplay ^^

You don’t seem to be reading much feedback.

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Not really up to Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard.

They don’t make their own deadlines and they certainly do not have the freedom to spend as much time on a product as they want for whatever reason.

They must meet their deadlines, they must make record sales, they must beat the previous expansion critic rating, satisfy investors and stockholders.

Whether the game is actually good or not, doesn’t matter.

I hoped it come on Nov

Alas, some people are just impatient I’m afraid.

Go go go rush Bastion

It’s a rushed SL or a dying BFA, can’t really blame them for wanting SL asap

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They already set a date and want subscribers no matter if they rush to much.


20th of December seems fine, just to be safe. :wink:

You will wait until Dec 31st and you will still get bad one.


Well the game is about to enter beta. Which means it’s mostly done. Now if people who get invites don’t screw around and do some proper testing the game might be better off than it would have been otherwise. 5 months is still a decent amount of time for an expansion to go from it’s beta stage to launch stage.

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