Please don't unlock covenants in SL

So, then, your solution to there being a suboptimal choice is to take away the choice?

That’s a problem I grant, absolutely.

But that does not make Covenants bad. It means they need feedback to tell them how to fix it, not feedback telling them that they’re incompetent idiots who can’t make it work.

What’s the point of having a choice, if that choice will gimp you compared to the superior choice?


There isn’t one. But that does not mean you have improved the situation by taking it away. You’ve done absolutely nothing whatsoever other than streamlining a game all about choices. Is this what you wanted?

I’m going to get back to my book. I’m bored of arguing in circles.

Well, they’re receiving feedback. We’ll see soon enough how much they act on it.

You kow how much effort they put to balance 2h frost and DW frost so far, despite numerous and constructive feedback provided? Zero.


No, but if they’re incapable of making choices balanced, then there’s no point in creating said choices. We’ll see what happens in Shadowlands. I hope I’ll be proven wrong.


If choices are perfectly balanced there is no point having choices at all. Choice has to have downsides and upsides where different covenants will excel and in other situations it will not.

You think corruptions are a nice system? :joy:

Your opinion is trash.

Also, you should care about the loudest voices, you’re literally parroting their opinions dozens of times a day.

Either way, if something being in a game that you dislike ruins the entire thing for you, that’s an issue with you, my guy.

All that feedback over azerite and it took them how long to sort it ?
You know full well this will go live broken and take to .2 to fix

No idea why you are so dead set agaisnt players having a different view from you and talking them down i had hoped you moved on from that .

There is no diversity if im locked to one spec one convenient.


Apparently i am more than you. who doesn’t realize that you have more diversity with more options.

And about that solution you think i came up with that every other paladin came up before. Tell me more who still uses Condensed Life Force for some of the fights in Ny’alotha, because i haven’t seen any other ret pally who raided with me use it ever here.

I came up with my own tactics, maybe you should stop making such assumptions.
Your assumptions are inherently wrong, next you’re gonna say that i use some meta essences for doing Visions. Can you show me the talents used in Visions that are talked about in a guide showing me , these are the talents use these and only these?

Wait … how about tell me what is the meta final talents row for ret to use in Ny’alotha?
Is it Divine Purpose, is it Crusade? or is it Inquisition?
From what I’ve seen others use Crusade, while i use Inquisition.

Why? Because I’m not actually following a meta, I’m also simming my character and performing conscious choices regarding my gameplay.
I prefer Inquisition so i use it, do i sim lower? about 200 dps on ST now, will I do less dps because of my choice? Not really because i know certain tricks for it, that make me crunch more dps out of it. And i can actually have 100% uptime with it during a fight, sims don’t have this.

How did it come to this?
Because i experimented with my options and i got here through trial and error.

If my final talent row would be like hard to switch like covenants. Experimenting with them would have been much more difficult.

I also have more non-meta decisions made for my character power. So stop sprouting nonsense that everyone is doing 100% meta, because there is diversity, you don’t have it maybe, but others do.

Let me make this simple for you:
Diversity = more choices
Less choices = less diversity

Instead of having 4 ways to solve 3 problems meaning there are 12 solutions.
You instead chose to have 1 way to solve 3 problems = 3 solutions.

You would say: But i can use that 1 way to solve those 3 problems in other ways, meaning more solutions.
Sure if you’re ignorant to simple common sense, you can apply that to the 4 options, you can use each one to come up with more solutions to the same problem, so you’d have 4 times more solutions to problems.

So mister fire mage, how do you like the balance of current corruptions? Mages being 30% higher than most specs at least. Is this the kind of balancing we can expect from covenants? Get off your high horse, mister meta mage.

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No, it’s a nice concept ruined by the implementation.

Ok boomer.

Aha, where am I doing that exactly?

You’re projecting so hard it’s crazy.

Reading comprehension really isn’t your thing, huh?


Lmao, this is great.

What if I told it’s possible to share opinions and debate topics without getting nasty about the other person.

We all have our own views on stuff, no need to get personal about things.


Okay, so I used the wrong word once? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This doesn’t change my point, but great job ignoring it and showing me that you’re just a neek! :revolving_hearts:


Changing that word changes the entire sentiment of the post, it wasn’t a mistake, you just can’t keep up with the thoughts in your own head.

Also, what am I projecting? I would like to be able to have every covenant ability and change them between bosses and hell even mid-fight but if I can’t for a patch it’s not going to ruin the rest of the experience for me, that’s you.

Do you even know what projecting means? Do you think I secretly hate less RNG, no titanforging, Torgahst, craftable legendaries, unpruning, and all of the zones just because I can’t have all of the covenant abilities from day one? Like what? :joy:

Just like how the Azerite system could’ve been good if they do it a lot differently. Just like how the essence system could’ve been good if they do it differently. Just like how the corruption could’ve been at least better if they do it differently.

That’s true about so many things in the game. But in the end they decide that they know better and only implement the changes when, most likely, the sub numbers are dropping. No need for essence vendor, we want everyone to work for it with every char, few months later they add a vendor, then corruption, before that it was the legendary vendor.

The fact that in the end they always have to do what the playerbase is asking for for months, proves again and again that they are incompetent and can’t figure out by themselves what their playerbase wants. I already see how the covenant system is going to go to live the way it is now with minor changes, and then we will get what we want in most likely the second or third major patch. That’s what always happens because they care more about their own ideas than the player feedback until their idea completely fails.


Yeah, wonderful in a game where you are forced to do every content to get your BiS stuff. Pvp, raids, m+, Thorgast. Even if someone wants to do all the content, that player has to choose 1 out of the 4 and then excel at one and underperform in the other 3. This would be good in a single player game where you can just do 4 different playthrough, not in a multiplayer game where even casual players are minmaxing their characters in order to get invites to groups.

Not to mention that if players choose one covenant for the dps gain which is going to happen sooner or later, they might miss the covenant they like the most, the transmog they like the most, the story they like the most. There is only one upside and too many downsides.


You are not forced to do anything not even play game.

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Wonderful argument, you really put a lot of thought in that one while literally ignoring everything i said other than the word “forced”.


You are forced into making 1 choice, instead of being able to choose how many times you want to choose and how often you want it.


Yeah becouse if you use word force nothing you say past that have any meaning becouse there is not such thiung as “Blizzard forced me”. Its you who forced yourself.

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