Please don't unlock covenants in SL

I love the idea that your choice matters and has consequences, because that’s what an MMORPG is all about. Please don’t listen to the millennials already complaining because they want to turn it into an Xbox Live game. They have no idea what they want because they don’t understand good game design like Ion. The silent majority wants covenants to be exclusive and can’t wait.


at this point I can’t tell if that’s a troll or not, but I agree
Ion is completely correct - having too much choice is very often not a good thing, important decisions like this make games more fun and as he said they all have pros and cons so unless you’re aiming for WF it ultimately doesn’t matter community are just whining because their brains are too underdeveloped to see good game design

with that being said blizzard is gonna blizz so they’re probably gonna make changes to that 2-3 patches into the expansion anyways lol


Keep covenants fixed but make the systems more flexible.

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I don’t understand why we need another trash system that doesn’t add anything good to the game in the first place?


So that it will add more diversity and complexity to the playstyle, because the game is too simple right now. I was already talking about this a year ago.

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Yet you’re still hardstuck doing turbo low content, weird.

My point is that we don’t need a covenant system that requires us to jump through 18 hoops when they could copy and paste the essence system.

We keep the positives and lose all the negatives :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s called being semi-casual and stuck on a dead server, which might be difficult for your brain to comprehend. I’ve blown through the content I cared to try, and maybe if the gameplay was a bit more complex I’d try harder which is why the silent majority is excited about covenants.

locking them is bad idea,imagine that they decide one covenant abilities are too strong and then nerf them to the ground,what then? make another char?

How does this matter at all LMAO.

i AM a casual yet my druid is still doing 18s :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Maybe just accept that you’re overwhelmed by the “simple” gameplay?


Is this before or after many people go running to well known WoW websites and Discord servers to be told what they should be choosing? Because that is what will happen and was already being discussed before the alpha was even released.


What complexity are we talking here ? The systems are literally re-skins of legion and bfa borrowed power systems.


A few days of getting declined from groups for choosing the covenant they liked because of how it looks/transmog or just simply grossly underperforming and people are going to choose the one that gives them the most dps anyway. Giving 4 covenant while only 1 of them is viable won’t add any complexity, it will only add frustration and disappointment.


There’s a reason why Ion is sticking to his guns, because he understands something you don’t. There will be no superior covenant abilities because each one is SITUATIONAL, which means they perform better in different situations. For example, I will choose the one that is best for tanking raids because I am Raid Leader of my guild. If you pvp more, then you will get the advantage in that setting. Think about it.


What if I do all of the available content ? Do I need 4 characters then?


Any decent GM or RL of a guild will want there team to be happy and diverse in there roles .
You are simply trolling like always you bored of posting on your priest saying herioc to hard ? Imagine that with locked ablities.


You don’t know what the silent majority wants. I consider myself part of it just like you, and I don’t want to pick Venthyr just so I can do my stupid +5’s that no one will join if I’m Kyrian. But I can’t just skip M+ either and assume I’ll just get to gear in only raids when all my friends go the extra mile to be raid-ready, that would be insane.

One of us is not part of the silent majority, but we will never know which one. Also, crazy idea: the silent majority isn’t a faceless mass that shares the same opinion about everything. You can be in the silent majority in some things, and loud minority in others. Sometimes there’s a loud majority or even a silent minority. Wild! Anyway, just claiming you’re the voice of a majority or blanket assumptions about people based on when they were born don’t give your argument any weight. In fact, they detract from it because they show you’re insecure in your own opinion.


Well I can say one thing, with that kind of attitude you would not pass the application process to join my guild. We have standards when it comes to civility and decorum.

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This is why i can never take Vin serious

Its him on one of his 8 alts .


Im very happy in my guild who are polite,kind and want players happy and diverse and able to play spec and roles they are happy with .

You have an attitude claiming you speak for all when you dont .


I call it the silent majority because it’s common sense that the majority of people buying SL aren’t already complaining about it on the forum before it’s even come out. Ion is probably more intelligent than anyone posting here, and there’s a REASON why he makes decisions like this. Sometimes appeasing the loudest voices isn’t the best choice.