Please explain this Blitz phenomenon to me

2k MMR
1720 CR

Ret on our team is trolling. At the end of the game he has slightly more damage than our hpal. Go to check-pvp

Dude has 9 games played and won 1. Win rate of 11%. Why is someone like this being put into a 2k MMR lobby?

Now you can say this is a one-off. But I’ve had similar cases today. 2 rets on temple. 1 had 150m damage and 2 orbs possessions. Another one had 47m (and 1 possession). How is the latter guy being placed in the same lobby? Can’t wait to finally reach 1800 on my rogue so I can stop playing this torture of a game mode


Coinflip mode. You just have to hope that the enemy team has more clueless idiots than your own and queue with a competent friend to win.

Blitz rating is inflated.

2.4k cr games are played by rivals.

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Friends can boost other friends mmr. If you have lets say 2800 personal mmr, a friend with zero mmr will be starting at 2000+ no matter if games played or not.

Also even people on 2900 mmr are often times bad, not as often as the 2100 mmr hell but you will never have people not “trolling” just less and less on higher mmr.

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I really thought people were exaggerating when they talk about rating inflation in Blitz

But right now at 2k-2.2k MMR it’s a complete waste of time

What makes it even worse are the long waiting times. Spend 15 minutes on average in queue during peak hours and then waste another 10 minutes because 2 of your dps decide to ignore the objective and wander off

Roll healer, pref MW or Evo. Took me 89 games solo and 120 duo to reach 2.4k on two evo healers. Queue times are around 10min max, mostly faster.

that’s the biggest problem is BGB, same as i wrote here - The MMR gain/loss is too large in blitz - results in too large skill differences which cause frustrations - #5 by Anubias-ravencrest
Blizz need to change it or high mmr games will be full of clueless people

I’d play this mode every day if the queue times were 1-5 minutes, but right now, every game I’ve queued for has taken 15-30 minutes. I’m not willing to wait that long, so I’m sticking to other games until they fix the queue system. And don’t suggest playing a healer—my healer queue times are even worse, taking 20-40 minutes, compared to 15-30 minutes for DPS.

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The biggest problem is, that people with high mmr and low cr are grouped together vs same mmr and cr opponents. Meaning you have some people who lucky win streaked vs people with over 50 games in the game mode and they will almost always win.

Yeah that’s why the % of people 2400+ is like, 3%…

You’re perfect example of his statement,and its a fact.
You have never been above rival ,yet you’re 2.4 in blitz (duo,you got carried by friend of yours)

Clearly you have trouble reading achievements. Spouting nonsense as usual, hard stuck 1500 player. :sweat_smile: :clown_face:

not hard to figure out,ur perfect example of his statement, rivals is new elite via blitz

You’re a perfect example of a hardstuck 1500 player that needs to private his profile lmao.

why so mad? congratz on your first elite ;D

It’s much worse than that. At 2500 MMR, I found people with 2k total achievements score and 0 achievements in PvP. I think many of them are also bots. I’m sorry to say it, but the system currently sucks and is extremely frustrating.