Please fix Blitz matchmaking

Dear devs, please fix blitz matchmaking. The system group you up with way lower (or higher) players.

It’s not fun at all to have 1.3 CR rdruid in full greens in your team who heals less than a damage dealer and dies instantly every teamfight. How the heck he is placed in a 2.4 MMR game with 1.3CR? And how he has 2.1 MMR? It’s should be impossible even with 100% win. And i have to wait 25 minutes for this… and it was not the first time i see this.

Other thing is the randomness, yesterday after winning a game at 2.5MMR the next game i was placed in a 2.3MMR group… how? It’s makes no sense.

So please:

  • Group players by their MMR closely, and the range should be never ever more than 150 MMR
  • Players MMR should be capped at their CR +/- 300 (the CR gain already capped at 23 so its not matter)

That’s what you get with duo queue. Yesterday I was in a Blitz with a 2.6K DPS who had queued together with his 192 healer friend, while the others were around 1700. They should remove duo queue, because it’s called SOLO for a reason. It makes it easier for boosters and win traders to synchronize.

It’s not a duo queue issue at all. My alt was 1500CR and 2800 mmr solo queue. In the game there would be r1 players 2800CR and me with 1500CR.
There are players with 10 games total at 2300mmr.
Is that the issue - yes
Can it be fixed - no. Never.
Otherwise those ppl with low CR and high mmr would NEVER find a game, a queue would be 2hours