Please fix Ferocious bite damage

Can you give more details? 2v2? During incarn what healer you are playing with?

Why aren’t more people talking about this?

Boomkins seem wildly opressive atm. Damage is higher than ele shaman and harder to stop, cyclone seems somehow even more busted, and since the buff to frenzied, they are considerably more tanky.

Every second lobby on 2k RSS had one, and I trust it is even worse in regular 3s.

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Are they though? I am complaining about cyclone spam constantly, not only from feral, and boomy damage being affli level. And pres is literally the best healer in the game right now. Towards last season end you would see them everywhere after Lontar said they are broken.

You create an NA account on your bnet, make trial character and level to level 10 and eventually you can type there. Not sure why but it took like 2 months until my character showed up on the forum.

But this isn’t being on topic when the thread is about something else.
Or do you mean you made a thread?

Using whataboutism here is just dumb.
You have WWs hitting for the same amount.
You got Warriors hitting for the same amount.
You got DH and rogues doing double the burst in their goes.
You have hunters hitting for 800+k.

It’s no longer whataboutism when almost every single spec in the game can do the same when it’s early into the season.

Also we don’t know the gear of the Feral, no idea about the gear of the person crying, no idea where this happened, what buffs.

Calling a class OP because you got hit once for 400k while you have 1.5mln HP is also dumb.


It is pointless to argue with that one.

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they did on us

also cdew complaining about it, and said its really op, but to bring nerfs make no sense, until everyone is full geared and have the set

he´s right tho

yep it does, if the class is tankier, and the meta pace went down, clone becomes stronger when it comes to the defensive playstyle

had a 2s game against a decent feral i think, mby i need “glasses” but i couldnt see a high difference between the overall dmg, or general dmg from Fb

i mean i did more overall dmg than him, and won while im completely garbage on dh, so idk tho

i cant see any “broken” 400k bites there

yeah it´s unfun, everytime when i face a boomy x comp, i call it the “degenerate cleave” in this season

spec is anyway kinda bad because everyone have so much hp, i only see outlaw and some assas

but assa dmg is good right now, I underestimate it

na it cant be every 20s this makes no sense, u dont have the energy pool to kill someone every 20s lol

alone feral frenzy is on a 45 sec and without frenzy + wt frenzy u wont kill anyone in a stun xd

and you + your mates have enough cds to bounce between each other to not die in 20 or 40 sec and u know that

i agree, that dh is a favored target for Feral, cuz the opener is most likely a free trinket from the dh, maybe it´s also a bias cuz u play dh and every feral likes to train you, i think You would think differently if u play a resto shaman or warri or demo lock instead

i played my dh really casual a bit into some ferals, and i have to say it is more difficult to to survive, than with a ww monk or other classes.

so i think it´s a you pov from your class most likely

try to play a game into Bommy/ demo or demo/shadow i wanna quit if i play against it

u can switch target, or u can do a bait sweep, i also wouldnt use serenity if the oponent have every cd up like warri 2 stuns + fear in this case i could remove serenity out of my bar in this case , also some monks use serenity only in the hope to get atleast 1 big rising sunkick, to force atleast a trinket or pary from warri

and yes serenity is the most useless/ bad designed spell in the game, and will be removed with the next xpac, (devs listend to ww community atleast)

what? micro cc´s are the most broken thing in the game currently ofc they care xd

most likely for traps, and then the holy priest stun on the main target

then u have to buff the dmg, if u try to make globals slower, or the general apm on energy classes they have to buff the dmg, what they are actual doing in the next xpac

yeah thats why i send the screenshot, to show how meaningless, screenshots are in this case

had a ww monk what gave me a 420k, i also got a 320k mortal strike, but people forget, that every class can hit “hard” if u dont use deffensive, or when he stacks all his dmg mods + burst while u sitting in a stun

got also onetaped in a 3 sec stormbolt against ret/warri

people don’t understand that we just have too many dmg modifiers that are bad for the pvp designe

it´s pvers/m+ fault and shadowlands conduits, what are now in our class talents

thanks, thats nice i thought u need a sub

ehh i wouldnt say that, cuz boomy still have a scary incarn go, affli have litteraly no setups and is just a bad designed only pve rotation high apm class

eh… a thread is there to discuss and nothing else, the thread is about feral, and I wrote things that covered this topic

i mean i can write next time “yeah feral so broken omg nerf, killing you every 20 sec” and post a Temple run tiktok video under my post if u think this is better

and if someone is saying, that feral can kill you every 20 sec, i know there is something unclear, feral is good, but not that good to kill you every 20 sec

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Just got hit for 412k

I guess on full gear it will actually crit for 500k

What a joke of a spec, afk run around spam clones then 100-0 guaranteed

44% vers btw

the difference with vers from last ssn and this ssn isnt significant at the end it´s just a 1.03% overall dmg buff, compared to last season if both have the same amount of vers

but u have 1.6 mio hp, so how is 412k a 100-0?

i getting hit by 350-400k rising sunkicks, and im still allive, also essence break into death sweep can be a high number too?

Feral bite last season with less health felt waaaay more dangerous

this is a huge difference if player x hits you by 350k when u only have 900k hp

or when player x hits u for 412k when u have 1.6 mio hp

so if i do the math correctly, FB was last season way more dangerous, than in this season, because people have more hp, and live overall longer?

thats why u see more dampening specs right now, like Assa, boomie, because you live longer

i could understand when people complained last season, but now it feels like, that classes like sub rogue, and ferals are weaker because of the high hp cap

maybe it is the same when we get more gear and less vers? idk we will see, but currently it wouldnt make much sense to tune classes

fun gameplay isnt it?

I have 1422k hp

rake by itself does like 100k

and he does 2 bites in 2 consecutive globals

1 million dmg guaranteed + whatever his teammate does

its boring

nothing to argue

u cant compare ww to feral

I’m New with feral but this sounds more like you got convoked.
Could this be the issue?

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well i compared, that i dont die by a 400k hit

400k more than last season, so statistically, is bite weaker compared to last season

theres something to argue, because it´s not true

the only problem just is the clone, because it locks your mate out for 6 secounds and u get a free Feral frenzy for 5 cb´s

every other dmg source from feral is completely garbage

what do you mean by it, u mean the full duration? or tick?

because the tick is only 50k max if it crits and rake isnt every second + the 50k rake is in incar/stealth

outside of stealth/incarn it does negative dmg, feral bleeds are just modifiers to buff your bite dmg, the dmg from bleeds besides of feral frenzy are not relevant

i dont try to defend my class here, but i have to say something about it, when you are trying to gaslight someone

Fb isnt the Problem, it´s the long clone + free frenzy proc, what causes the Problem

same counts for boomie, since the game goes longer (slower paced), clone became even stronger.

they should nerf WT and clone instead of the bite tbh.

or nerf bite and buff bleeds outside of incarnation.

i mean with the feral rework in the next xpac, they adressed the main issues about the feral balance


two bites in arow either convoke or incarnation with saved bites so you just didnt respect a 3mins offensive CDs and then came here to complain instead.
Also if you get chain cloned with all the CCs you have a DH… I dont know what to tell you man.


yeah i played as a dh against a 3.4k Feral and i trinket the opener rake incarn go, and won against him, while im completely trash as a Dh player

it´s like i dont respect the meta from dh, or the serenity from a ww monk

its the same as shadowblades or vendetta from a rogue

and u have the trinket rdy for every incarn, it´s just a right tradeoff with your mate

3s looks different, because fmp with a frost mage is really good, because frost mage and feral can controll the game

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ok its fine for the guy to basically have spam stuns and instant melee sniper shots

whatever i say i guess feral is fine

i wonder who will face fmp and come back to this thread to say how underpowered feral is :airplane:

but its not the control thats the problem

it’s that u die faster than to a sub rogue from random crits that chunk ur entire health bar

While I agree some spec have easier time to deal with, some like sp with no interrupt and 2min cd md it’s almost an insta lose cause majority of healer get no kick (or have to come in melee to kick) so you got 1 kick per team.

Also I see a lot of feral with rdruid (idk if it’s the best healer for them) making clone spam everywhere and can’t p’a the game at all.

The dmg is something but afk in Perma clone with little counterplay is another, I guess we need to wait for a build rework about feral at this point.

Also like said above saw ww do 400k rsk and 170k tick fist of fury to, a lot of spec seems busted atm.

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I agree its easier to clone vs some specs while its almost impossible to do so vs other comps for example if I see a resto shaman + ret + warr I know its gonna be very tough to get anything cloned because of 12sec ranged interrupt, two melees in your face also with many ways to stop cloning and then grounding…
But vs priest teams its a bit better or rdruid.
And this is why almost no feral(maybe no druid) likes this playstyle because one round you feel like you can do a lot if you can get clones rolling the next game you just have 0 threat… its so wild and inconsistent and also not fun having to shift out in distance trying to clone every few seconds… not why we picked feral.

But in this post OP clearly got outplayed hard and decided to complain because how can you let a feral clone with all the tools a DH has?

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I mean it wouldn’t be normal if feral required to bite someone 10 times to kill him…Bleeds are already doing nothing
I mean if feral get a clone on your healer you can just glimpse and save like 3-4 seconds already, for the next Dr you can blur, for the next you can imprison him and so on

As they say, just pre-wall :d

Thats what I mean feral has no real threat outside of incarn or clone spamming and dh has many ways to disrupt… even if they get a clone you can just dash away bc the free frenzy buff lasts like 5 seconds.
This guy got outplayed hard thats why he just gave tiny details and didnt mention if it was an incarn pr convoke or whatever


it´s a comp, then u have to nerf fmage aswell

lol it is, mage freecast, if u kick mage on poly feral can cast clone, if u kick feral on clone mage will poly the heal

fmp is good, because u have so much controll and with a perfect go, u can litteraly do a 1v3 every 40 secounds or 1 min and a big go every 2/3 min

nobody is saying that feral is fine, gameplay wise, but to say that he kills you every 20 secounds is not true, even on r1 streams i dont see it, when i watch sneaky, tony, spora, i havent seen, that they kill the oponent every 20 secounds, yes they force some cd´s but they also have to trade cd´s so whats the point

do you want to hear that fmp is a/s tier? yes it is, and now?

idk every class can chunk your health bar lmao

in 2s or 3s ? in 2s mw monk last season was the best. now it´s holy priest

3s most likely holy priest, or rdruid, i have seen on us rdruid, boomie feral on 2.5

also good dh´s can pre glimpse i played against reckqt, (idk if he is good, but he played better than most of the dh´s i have seen)

but he pre glimpse my maim stun, gg i also have seen in some streams that the dh was be able to pre glimpse or pre blur a stun, or feral frenzy

na bro 1 bite entire healthbar, we are still in shadowlands, feral boorst is real

i dont know i have played on my dh against varima, and naylö and it wasnt that hard, i had 2 feral go´s they were scary, but after that, it felt like he didnt had dmg for 2 minutes, and was only running, well i just tunnel him

but yeah 2s is anyway a meme, and in 3s feral is way better, and to play against a good fmp can be really rough, especially when they have a high amount of controll

but we also have to be realistic here, this guy is playing boomie, dh if im correctly

and at the moment this comp is insane good^^

Maybe it’s the only thing they’re losing against and that’s why they’re complaining

its like nerf everything else, but buff me

bro, now u just exaggerate :smiley:

aren’t hitting sniper shot for 600k ish?

nobody saying it, i dont know why u think that someone is saying it, feral is good in 3s with mage or dragon

it is on feral easier to predict, outside of incarn, if he goes to clone your healer, you can either dash away, or just blur in the right moment if u want to edited by moderator his combo points + energy and maim cd, but if this is too risky for u, u just can blur when he is cloning your healer if u cant kick him

just get a addon what shows the cd on feral frenzy + incarn and u will be fine