Please fix loot exploit in raid

Not off-roading the topic. Your opinion

What do you mean “NOBODY” saw the truth?

I clearly remember replies to those posts say we don’t want GL back because we know exactly what would happen.
It was a loud minority that wanted ML and GL back as an option for their runs.

Nobody asked for GL in LFR as far as I know, some were fine with GL as an option for those guilds that wanted it.
but some of us was even against that because we know it would be abused by some guilds.

I was one of those that was against GL.
Just because there is a loud minority that keep making posts about does not mean that the majority wanted it as people clearly stated in their replies to those posts.

Yes, exactly.

Then give 100 % Guild groups what they want, and give PUGs Personal loot.

To be fair I just used it as a polite excuse not to trade the higher ilvl item.

is it abuse if it’s by design? Do you think Blizzard wasn’t aware of this when they implemented it? Since not a lot of people do it, they just don’t care.

People just must be able to roll on the loot even if they are out of the group

OK. Il change “nobody” by… the majority was not loud enough…

Pure semantics though. Fact is that however you name it, apparently the pro PL group either did not post enough in the forums, did not insist enough, or was simply the “silent majority”.

Fact is that Blizz listed to the community. Shame that the only voices that were heard by blizz were the pro GL ones.

They aren’t always aware. When M+ first started we had people being kicked just before the last boss died so that there would be more loot for less people.

Blizzard applied a fix that even if you are removed from the group (or leave) and the key is completed you will be mailed whatever loot you would have won (if any).

I’m not sure how they can apply a fix to this as the items have to be rolled on. Under PL it could just come in the mail. Under GL the items drop and then are rolled for.

Developers back then knew things like this could happen. There was reasons that no one could be kicked during combat. And it should have stayed like this.

This is the same kind of people that wanted to kick people during raid bosses and combat, now they are stealing loot. Average people of General got tricked by them and agreed with them. Blizzard gave in as well and listened to ‘complainers’ aka tricksters and now people get kicked any time.

However I dont do raids but just want to say: Thats what people get by giving in to tricksters. Get outplayed :slight_smile:

I’d say just having the roll box come up for a person if they were part of the pull is enough, no?

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I don’t know how practical that is, or possible tbh. The reason it worked with PL was because whether you were online or not, or in the middle of something else or not, you would get your RNG loot chance.

And there is a big difference between “Nobody saw the truth” and “the majority was not loud enough”.
You made it sound like everyone was on board on the change and loved it at first when that absolutely was not the case.

The majority don’t hang around on the forums all the time.
And why would they make post about not wanting group loot when we did not have group loot anyway?
When they changed to group loot there were plenty of posts about how bad that change is and especially for LFR.

Group loot is totally fine compare to personal loot, winning a useless object with personal loot always felt bad while with group loot you only roll on item you really want. It doesn’t means you get more loot, it just feel better when you win that roll.

The issue here is not about GL vs PL, but about people pulling the boss not being able to loot but still getting the id. Fixing that one way or another would be enough and avoid exploit.
As long exploit are possible people will use abuse them more and more.

Under PL I could collect appearances from the content using my alt pala army.

Under GL I can’t but I did manage to get it thanks to the vault/catalyst and open world content.

I used to get two items per full clear under PL. Under GL I can go a whole raid and get nothing. I think this is because PL caters to the players that are present in the raid and their loot specialisation. GL does not, so the amount of loot that applies to your class/spec is less and ofc everyone just needs on everything they can. Some with a view to sell, others just fire off bids to winners.

People all have their own preferences and there is nothing wrong with that. I preferred rolling out my unwanted loot or letting the lead do it under PL, I dislike that GL just gives you any random items off the loot table as a whole regardless of who is present. My gear was my own and certainly for collecting it was much better under PL. I like that we have the catalyst and vault but it’s pretty poor if you struggle to gear from doing the actual content.

In contrast M+ is still PL and it feels more rewarding, you can only get loot for your chose spec/class and you can trade with others in your group (providing you have the ilvl ofc). You can ofc keep running M+ and there are other frustrations when you want a specific item and it wont drop. Most people can get the items with enough attempts though.

just bring back personal loot this inviting 18 people to loot trade your gear piece to your friend is such a garbage move. personally shadowlands loot was way better than this sad group loot system.

The system could also just roll need by default if you don’t press anything or if you’re not in the group anymore. That’s basically what PL does too.

Personally I wouldn’t consider PL a step forward unless it stops giving duplicates at the very least. Considering the main argument for PL is to reduce wasted loot nobody can use, getting the same item twice is also “waste” from one’s perspective.

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