Please fix loot exploit in raid

I write here following the suggestion of a support request.

There is a known loot bug exploit (with group loot mode) that consists to kick people while doing a raid boss. The amount of loots from the boss will remain the same but the people removed from the group cannot roll on the item and are still tagged on the boss kill. This means same number but for fewer people.

There has been more and more abuse like this recently with leader kicking all the persons who could roll on the trinket he want when the boss got to 5%.

While this is strictly against code of conduct that everybody signed and should hopefully leads to bans, there is currently no solution for the “victims” who just lost their id on the boss and have no way to get it back and have a chance to loot.

I saw that first hand on a Fyrakk NM pug where the lead kicked 5 persons just after pull (just the amount of people to assure an additional loot) and then kill the boss, this was definively a premedited tactic for this group of player.

So please Blizzard can you fix this current exploit by permitting kicked player to either roll on loot or not getting tagged on boss kill if they can’t loot (and adjust number of loot of course). This is really frustrating.


That is so scummy!

I guess this was another benefit of PL, it just sent you your loot in the mail if you were removed. Same happens with M+, it’s PL so you don’t get cheated.


That’s people for you. :roll_eyes:

One of the many reasons why Personal Loot will always be better than group loot. People will do just about anything to cheat one and other over loot in raids.


First time I saw the ‘wts trinket’ straight after a boss kill in LFR. The group kicked the guy instantly, who was probably 475-480 ilvl and literally trying to make gold in there! I will roll need if I want for tmog, but if someone whispers me saying they really need it I’ll often pass it on

Yeah this needs fixing 100%, if you’re in combat with the boss you should get the loot window to roll.

Still rather have GL than go back to the old version of PL though.

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This is sad, but I blame the community 100%.

In SL people cried that PL made it so that the chances of having loot drop were lower, and people were crying over some epix that did not drop… bla bla bla…

People wanted GL so they could get a higher chance to loot stuff… But somehow, their memory was short. PL was put in place to avoid these and many more dramas out there. Both in PuG and guilds.

Blizz, with a rare case of “listening to players” implemented GL. We got what we asked for, and now we deserve the consequences…

Enjoy… :slight_smile:

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Well to be fair, the amount of loot that dropped per boss in shadowlands were reduced compared to BFA because they wanted to slow down progression now that titanforging was no longer a thing.

And the only problem with personal loot there was that the few pieces that did drop often could not be shared because of the the restriction that meant you needed to have an item in the same slot that were same or higher ilvl than the drop.
And with less drops it was less common to already have an item of that ilvl.
So even if it was a bad item for you you could not give it away.

That restriction was removed with GL but had they just removed it from personal loot it would have been fine as well.

There were other issues with PL too because item distribution was based on group comp. There might have been incredibly convoluted ways to solve this with PL but instead they just made all drops equal chance with group loot.

He won the item so it’s legit to sell it.

That. Blizz traded more drama for a fairer loot distribution.

I prefer less drama and less loot. Simply because loot comes and goes anyways and all this BiS chase to be optimal to the 0.1% is ridiculous to me.

Others prefer it this way. So… we got drama. Its what the majority of people want apparently.

This is disingenuous as you’re framing the negative aspects of one system as being desirable to the people who prefer that system when the reality is nobody who wanted things to change specifically asked for it nor campaigned for it for those reasons.

I didn’t anticipate blizzard to lack so much foresight that this would be possible and yet here we are (Might I add it took an entire expansion for people to start doing this so it wasn’t even obvious to the playerbase either). They can and should fix it regardless of what loot distribution is being used because it’s not inherent to the design of any one system.

I prefer cata dungeons where the group got 8 items per run instead of 2. Despite using group loot it had less drama because…it had loot.
This may sound like a tinfoil theory but I think the root of this issue is people don’t like fighting over morsels.

I have never wanted GL. I’m not really sure I’ve ever seen players ask for GL either.

There are those that prefer PL and there are those that prefer ML.

So now we have a middle ground. Guilds can treat GL as SL with (or without) addons. In PuGs/LFR everyone just needs on everything.

I always got more loot with PL. People didn’t like that you couldn’t trade under PL unless you had the same ilvl equipped.


I am framing the community, and I will keep doing it.

I remember it clear as day the 1000 post of people simply complaining. Saying "blizz iz get no loots I wanna GL like in WotlK when everything was awesome!!! "

NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY saw the truth: PL was put in place in WoD to stop all the drama because lets face it: People ARE jerks. And will continue to be total jerks until we figure out how to e-mail punches to the face.

If people did not like PL, then change the PL system. Not nostalgia trip to GL…

What I personally advocated for was: At a minimum allow unrestricted trading once the RTWF is complete. Because that was the main reason for restricting trading (avoiding mythic raider abusing) and it was the most annoying thing (but not the only one) of the system back then.

And then we would improve from there.

Instead: I got all these nostalgia babies with GL as if the massive dramas of the past never happened… So YES. I am, and will blame the community. Starting with you:

YOU, and others like you are the reason OP is complaining.

And I will call you out once again. Fixing this wont change a thing. As I said: Until e-mailed punches to the face are a thing there will always be drama. Unless daddy Blizz grounds us with no choice at all. And because apparently were all babies, I think we deserve that IMO.

SO… fix this… and next month there will be more drama.

Sort of like the discussion we had before on another post. You said it was an LFR issue. I said give it time, it will happen in normal and HC as well when people pug that more an more…

Here we are… NM posts begin. Next month: HM posts. You will see… :slight_smile:

This thread is not about “drama”. This thread is specifically about the game currently only considering players eligible to roll if they’re in the instance group at the time of the kill. Something that is stupid, easy to fix, and could just as easily have been true using PL or Round Robin or any other loot system.

I have zero interest in your Vendetta.

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Yes it is… its the post #324987348572345 of someone exploiting GL for some douche reason.

And its the #5304938495 hotfix to GL there has been. And I still continue to see posts like this.

What makes you think fixing it will change the fact that the root cause of the problem is: (A) There are jerks on the internet and you cant change that and (B) if you give them tools to execute their “jerkiness” (aka GL) they will.

So as long as people can roll “need” on something. There will always be someone that does it maliciously. Or, with “apparent maliciousness” as seen from someone else’s morality.

I must be reading a different thread to you, I’m talking about the one the OP wrote not the one you’re trying to turn it into. Again, vendetta.

OK. I will answer OP as you did:

The solution to the GL bug OP mentions is to give the save back to the affected people. And then turn GL it into PL like it used to make sure it never happens again.

Thats my TLDR opinion on how you fix the bug of raid leaders kicking out people for more loot.


Don’t know why they allow kicking a player from a group during a boss encounter (or adding one for that matter) anyway. I see no legit reason for it, so why not lock the raid group setup while the enocunter is ongoing.

Many other things can’t be done during an ancounter, such as changing gear, talents, or even entering an instance. So just add the group setup to that list.

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