So lately i’ve been playing on several characters. And i’ve not experienced it a whole lot except for in TBC Specificly Hellfire Ramparts:
I’ve gotten kicked 3 times in 3 days for literally no reason!
The last time i was a healer, i was level 59. Nobody died, i didn’t pull anything, i didnt need on anything i didnt talk to anyone. We went in clean clear big pulls no issues. And out of thin air, kicked from group infront of last boss for LITERALLY no reason. I was next to tank so not slacking … Nothing! … What happens? Deserter 30 mins <3 …
Ah yes good solution! No one else is pugging except people who have friends at same level playing this game.
Getting a group together was problematic before RDF and now that we have it it’s way more difficult and time consuming. If we have RDF it should be fixed. If it isn’t fixed just delete it as it makes forming own group so much harder.
The fix is very simple. Remove deserter debuff for players who haven’t deserted.
A good start would be like they did in later games like… Kill first boss to avoid deserter debuff or so… Not at the end of the dungeons … And maybe add like preventable kick from dungeon at the start of a dungeon as i’ve read on several occasions people just make a trio group just to kick people joining. Also reduce Deserter to like 15m
The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.
If you have good suggestions you’re welcome to fill in the ingame suggestions box about it.
No i literally only needed 1 item which was the caster staff on the 2nd last boss because i was a Resto Druid. The group was pala dk hunter so it’s also not related to pissing someone off for “stealing” their item (It was a legit need.)
You keep repeating this over and over again, and I get it that people who intentionally get themselves kicked to skip rest of the dungeon without getting deserter debuff is problematic, I however dare to say that people getting deserter debuff for no reason, without doing anything to deserve such thing (even if it does not happen very often), is even more problematic, thus getting deserter debuff for everyone is terrible solution.
I would agree, many would not. And it depends a bit what role you’re playing. Few will care if a DPS is bad, you don’t really notice it anyway, but a bad tank or healer? You’ll definitely notice that.
How about this suggestion?
If getting deserter debuff for everyone is absolutely necessary, then lets make it work both ways, and RDF PUG would get locked for 10 minutes from entering the queue for replacements after kicking someone that was not offline or large distance away from rest of the group (AFK).
That way they would kick players only if it’s absolutely necessary to progress and finish the dungeon.
If the tank or healer are bad, probably the other people can do something to help the “bad player”. I mean, if a tank struggles with aggro just pull less or give him more time to aggro or if a healer struggles to mantain group alive, then coordinate focus/cc to dangerous enemies and avoid unnecessary dmg.
It’s really easy to focus just on dps pulling before the tank or not having on action bars the sillence spells and then blame them.
Aren’t you are asking for bit too much?
From my experience, most people don’t want to go slow in order to make it easier for less experienced or ungeared players.
If tank is non-stop chain pulling and healer struggle to keep up, they blame the healer, not the tank. That’s why I consider this to be such issue when players who don’t deserve any punishment get deserter debuff for no valid reason.
I did all roles in HCs and if i dont have mana to heal because tank dont let me drink i sit and drink and if people die i dont care because they dont care for me