Please "fix" the MDI

And whats that got to do with the topic at hand?

Is your solution to improving the current MDI talking about last expansions dungeons?

Yeah, same in pretty much all competitive MOBA modes. Each match has starts with a draft phase where the teams get to pick and ban heroes one after the other, and heroes can only be used 1 team. That allows teams to fix balance issues that might exist, for example if some hero is super OPAF on a particular map, the team that starts with a ban can prevent the other team from picking that hero with their first pick. Draft phases can be really tactical and nearly as interesting as the actual match.

I’m not sure if a ban/pick draft phase would work though in MDI, since WoW doesn’t have so many specs. But it would be worth a try.

yeah, i was more thinking of various group compositions. if its random you might not get the ideal ones so they still had to adapt to certain things.

so instead of teams with, lets say OP guardian druids, all will play with next thing which will allow mass pull, lets say vengi DH.
the issue isnt in composition, its in the WIN condition imho.

to make it fun to watch the win condition must be different for different dungeons, therefore the meta wont be so stale imho.

and if you make 100 dungeons, but all have the same strategy lets say - big pull, lust, big aoe - they all blurr into one big torgast

and torgast is so lame to do :confused:

thats why i said “somewhat interested” :smile:

if there are cats they have my full attention.


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In legion IT used to be epic. But now its just boring ASF.

When you design everything, dungeons and classes, to prevent masspulling and/or pulling stuff on bosses, it isn’t inexpected MDI got less spectacular :frowning:

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More or less this for me. I can deal with comps being static, even though i agree that it needs to be made more varied, but seeing those huge pulls and how they managed them was part of the charm. Shadowlands dungeon design, along with the hard AoE cap, made it a worse viewing experience.

What’s fun about 5 men running the same boring dungeons with the same strategy and same comps over and over just every time they get bit more hp? And “competing” against other team of all things.
Speedruns isn’t about competing live against someone, it’s about getting the best score. It’s a pointless competition in the way shown to us.
I would rather see AWC but it needs a bunch of improvements, especially clarity.

The new “Great Push” was more interesting to me tbh.

It may be an unpopular opinion but unless you’re pushing high keys yourself and you’re genuinely interested in dungeon content in the game, you won’t be having much fun watching MDI and the current interest in the game is at its lowest it could ever be so the viewer numbers are understandable. I do, however, agree that the format could be refreshed and there could be some extra features and extra challenges that would make the race more fun.

that statement i dont get, rest i can agree with. does this mean that everyone who genuinely loves any sport ever and doesnt play at a league/pro standard doesnt/cant have fun watching those sports on their telly?

Not really. I’ve watched LoL e-sports for a long time and I can tell you that watching LoL is far easier to understand and to engage with than watching someone crawl through a dungeon on time. What I’m trying to say here is that LoL e-sports is very casual friendly and WoW’s “e-sports” is not and I can very easily see how people may come to MDI and say after a few minutes “wow this is boring” because they’ve never done anything above +10 or they consider timing a +15 life’s achievement.

I only watch MDI to learn more about the dungeons and see some smart tricks these teams do.
There are a lot of things I learned just by watching these guys smashing the dungeons (same in BFA).

And ofc finalls are usually interesting for the drama.

You are aware that the format is not the same right now as it was in the past right?
You might want to rewatch some MDI from Legion (you know when it first started)
You might also need to understand that the last ranked team has beaten out the highest ranked team in the past MDIs. (at least i have a memory of that i have not looked it up however)

This does not work with

You see it is a far more complex issue then just do This (whatever this is) and you will fix it.
What you are asking for directly makes it less fun for the contestants.

Thats a matter of opinion, not fact so we’ll leave it there.

the reason MDI is flopping is because there is nothing interesting to watch.
PVE is always stale to watch because everything is calculated and predictable.

MDI also doesn’t work because people who do this game for a living and practice 10h a day will always win over those that can only practice 10h a week because they still need to go to work. Of course that is not blizzards fault but the whole setting just requires too much practice to compete. It is actually unhealthy how much time these players have to put into this game to make it to the top.

I think it would be funny if the other team can sabotage their counter screen team in their dungeon.
doing certain objectives triggers something in the other dungeon lol

It is just unfun to watch 10-15min dungeon where hardly ever happens something interesting.
I guess this is made for people who like to watch race to wf where people smashing their head into the same wall for 60h straight

ah also btw nobody is watching the live stream because the breaks and blabla is way too long. Most people will just watch the vod and can watch the whole event without missing anything within about 1h instead of 8h

MDI has 0 interest. I’d rather have them focus on non-meta groups.

Because M+ doesn’t really work for esports. You don’t interact with the enemy team so there is no counter drafting or mind games, so everyone goes with their most practiced comps.