Please "fix" the MDI

The format is old and needs updating. Even if you disagree with my point below, the drop in viewers - currently 6.8k - speaks for itself.

You should have 3 objectives

  1. Make it fun for viewers.
  2. Make it fun for contestants.
  3. Use it to showcase what specs / classes can do.

For that to happen you need to add some form of strategy and unpredictability. It needs to look like a race, not a showcase of which no-lifers managed to practice the same obscenely large pull the most to perfect it.

This is the one that people will disagree with (But but, its a raaaace!)
Have the courage to disallow repeats of specs. If xxx is overpowered, only let it be used in one dungeon. If you used xxx in dungeon 1 you can’t pick it again. Now teams have to adapt on the fly to whats happening. Do you field your strongest team to hopefully guarantee a win or follow or a more balanced approach?

This also has the advantage that the community will hopefully get to see that you don’t need x y and z to do a dungeon and understand that in the right hands all classes can shine.

You opened this competition showing rank 1 vs rank 24. Who in their right mind does this? It’s a foregone conclusion and as a result the first 30-60 min of the stream are dull - hardly a race. To understand the gulf, the winner won in 12:30. By this time the other team had killed 1 out of 4 bosses, 46% of the trash and died 11 times.

Compelling viewing!


I used to watch mdi during bfa but i dont think i’ve watched a single one from shadowlands. Maybe because i dont push keys myself anymore and because of that lost interest? It gets a bit stale aswell, its the same teams and same comps and same winners over and over again :yawning_face:


Tbh MDI doesnt interest me at all and im only going to watch Team Stiefbruders and only because one of my officers is in that team.

It became stale for the reasons you stated rather quickly.

SL mdi is stillborn cause sl dungeons are way worse than bfa

tbh the only thing what would make me somewhat interested in mdi would be if the whole team is random. everyone gets new classes every run/dungeon.

it d be interesting to see how they coped. theres nothing interesting in having optimised one trick pony player running a dungeon imo.


Uhh i like that. Dont make it totally random but let Blizzard decide what setup has to be used and they have to abide that.

They should be able to manage it. After all it appears that they have to learn several classes at least. My officer for instance is a Druid usually (or a mage last tier) and when he started to get ready for the time trials he learned a survival hunter and also asked me about the very basics of sub rogues at least.

It’s like watching bots against bots.

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I thought the only way you’d be interested if both teams consisted of cats.

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Whoever is in charge of the “Esports” part of the wow team should get fired for this trash event.

In R6: Siege last time I played, in rated matches, teams could ban heroes - defenders could ban one hero per round for the attackers and the attackers could ban one hero for the defenders. Usually the cheapest, most broken characters like Caveira got banned, which forced everyone to play classes that took a bit more cooperation and skill.

Not really good for a race. You don’t see unpredictability in 600m dashes, nobody chucking water bottles at the racers randomly to make it more interesting. Races need to be predictable in order to be fun. Losing to RNG really isn’t fun.

I think MDI with predetermined team comps or banned classes could work very well.

Deleting the MDI altogether would be a good fix, perhaps some people would start thinking for themselves and not do “like in the MDI” even in heroic dungeons…


Full feral party? :smile_cat:

Deathskip this normal boss cause i saw jimmy do it on twitch lol nubz

Quite possible. She’ll probably even heal as feral.

Can you imagine having to practice both outlaw/windwalker/moonkin on every dungeon instead of just 1?

Think of the contestants who put more time and effort for a single season than most do at their job in a year.

While the format is dull, boring and predictable, punishing the contenders is the wrong approach entirely.

may be the dungeons design require this one cookie cutter mass pull build which makes them predictable
every bg is unique but every dungeon gets

after some time.
the difference between good dungeons like bfa and bad ones likes sl is the speed at which it gets boring. SL ones except De other side may be is already where bfa dungeons were in s4. so people dont watch it.

also for us casuals story about dungeon matters.
helping Bromsamdi is fun, helping generic sfw fairy is boring,

I’m positive the only generally well received dungeons since M+'s introduction were all of legion’s minus cathedral and triumvirate.

i am positive you havent met many players who enjoyed bfa dungeons cause of your echo chamber
there were plently who enjoyed them during bfa

I don’t even know what that means.

for example this person isnt an exception, there are plently more like him who prefer BfA dungeons.

i wish BfA content wasnt cut. Instead of fixing what was bad and adding more of what people really enjoyed to do - like BfA dungeons - devs just chose to experiment on new.