Please fix the shoulder positions

Please blizzard; fix the shoulder positioning on outfits.
I’m looking at Eternal Curator’s Vestment (cloth) on a female Nightborne; seriously you could fit a fully grown cat between the shoulders and the shoulder pads. And most shoulder pads are positioned badly on all my characters.


Its funny you know the shoulder armour and their appearance used to be one of the major selling points to this game.

People who never even played wow knew about the shoulder armour.

Now its a forgotten thing it seems.


If only! :heart_eyes:

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Yea, they’re too high for some races, just look stupid.


The Nightborne model use the Night Elf rig, but with narrower shoulders. When you look at Night Elf shoulder positions, they already are too large and pushed out too far. They look as if they were designed for a model with much wider/stronger shoulders. It would make sense that this is exacerbated on the even narrower Nightborne.

One of things that I really dislike are shoulders and how they look like on some races and genders, especially on female Nightborne and on male characters generally, they are just way too big and bulky, especially if you are trying to pull out some wizzard look.

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To be honest, the worst shoulders are still on female Worgen, by a long shot.

Simialrly to female Tauren, the big issue is that the entire neck area, including hump and hair is counted as “body”. Worgen have also been given very skinny bodies with narrow shoulders, so that the “neck” almost completely covers the width of the shoulders. This means that there is very little place on the shoulders to affix an anchor point for armour, which in turn means that shoulder armour is floating off to the side of the shoulder. To counteract this, shoulder armour on Worgen has been enlarged to a comical level, so that now the poor girls have these absolutely massive shoulder pads floating in mid air.

One way to fix this would be to “thin” the neckline a bit, reduce the hump and lift up the head slightly. I’ve had this in the “helmets on Tauren/Worgen” thread already, the “hump” and mane get in the way of both helmets and shoulder armour:
If you detach the mane from the body and now make it an actual hair style, you could both fit proper helmets onto Worgen, and would now be able to place an actually decent anchor onto the shoulders. This would enable Blizzard to decrease shoulder armour size and improve the “floating shoulders” issue.

Sorry for derailing this thread, Worgen shoulders have been a pet peeve of mine ever since they squandered the model remake.

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