Please fix the spam dispel meta

priests do have “purge”, even if it`s called “dispel” it does exactly the same - removing buffs from the enemy.


Yes priests have an ability called dispel magic that “purges” enemies however I think in this context for this post people are just using purge and dispel as general terms to differentiate the two. When someone asks their healer to remove an affect what do they say? They say dispel please, they dont say “cleanse” or “purify” or whatever its just a general term. Likewise if you tell your team mates to remove an effect from an enemy you say “can you purge X?” they dont say “can you consume magic or spellsteal etc”
They are just general terms used by everyone ive ever played with or watched regardless of what classes they are playing.
So yes in this post’s context “dispel” means dispelling harmful effects from friendlies regardless of the fact that priests have a “purge” type ability called Dispel Magic and its dispelling friendlies the post is about.

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The community generally refers to abilities by their most commonly and easily pronounced name.

All interupts are called Kicks, even though Kick is a rogue skill and every class has their own name.

Dispell is generally used to refer to removing effects from FRIENDLY targets while Purge is generally used for removing effects from HOSTILE targets.

The fact that the Priest purge is called Dispell Magic is irrelevant in this case.

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Every match it feels like DOT its just a normal part of the rotation for dps now. Just spam it with ZERO CD. With all the other DOTS baked into the abilities of even healers these days you just find yourself spending like 20% of your GCDs dispelling stuff its not fun or dynamic.
DOTS should have a hefty mana cost and be a DECISION to use for important things not just spammed without CD, without thought unless already dead.

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A bit of a fried take.

Spriest and affliction are all about dots and some of them are hardcasted. Ele has 1 dot on 4 sec cd and it needs as many as possible to keep getting procs.

All 3 are heavily dependant on them and expecially ele is weak to dispells because it has the worst dispell protection and a proprely timed dispell (for example on primordial wave) completely negates ele momentum. It is fine tho, as ele you need to learn to play around that.

But dispells, and especially self ones are very powerful which is why devs have pruned several of them in TWW.

Only balance dots fit your description.

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I dont mind dispel protection, it makes sense - but a warlock for example dispel UA to be hit for 300k+ its abit silly when it can be instantly reappied seems abit meh

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I should of read this before putting my post, spot on

300k is nothing if we have over 1mil hp, if anything it should hit more so ppl would think twice if they want to dispel it or not. Currently its not even the dmg that matters from it as much as the silence it makes. The silence hurts alot more in the pace of shuffle than the little dmg it does. Any healer I play from rdruid, hpriest, rsham I spam dispel on cd against ele,sp,affli,boomy and on priest I play 2x dispel talent. I just dispel on cd cause game lets me spam it with not much punishment. Eitherway it wont be fun cause ppl are not good at disrupting correct spells anyway. In perfect world affli is not just let UA 3 ppl into full dots and start pumping malefic rapture with darkglare.

On this note, I never understood the mindset of many aff players…

Like, what do they want their win condition and skill expression to be? Seems most of them simply think that getting 3 rows of dots ticking and spamming life drain inbetween should win them games by default and everything else is non viable.

At least ele before the rework did have to shear, purge and disrupt because lava burst spam just didnt do enough rot damage to close games.

And another note on ele, it just recived some heavy nerfs on beta. -25% damage on LvB, EleBlast, haste from Primordial and even the duplicate LvB from Primordial got halved. It was undeniably strong both in pve and pvp, and lava burat build was too good. But take note that in TWW ele will absolutely have to cast a lot more. Not only because of reduced stats in season 1 and reduced chance of procs on 3+ targets, but they outright removed Windspeaker talent so ele has no more on demand instant Lava Burst procs (because up untill prepatch, you could always trigger it by pressing Earth Shock which is no longer the case).

They tried to compensate for the loss of proc city and our degenerate season 4 set bonus by introducing new Icefury and Fusion talents(which is really fun) but you will see less LvB procs overall and it will absolutely be beneficial to interrupt the hardcasted ones.

When affli and ele is buffed enough both just do dmg till dampen. Spam dispel and you hurt both alot theres no proper dispel protection in the game that would punish spamming dispel too much.

When there’s a billion debuffs in the game, and give something 8 second cd, it’s bound to become the case.

Ele right now and untill nerfs on beta (still havent logged in there yet) didnt kill by dampening, it killed with burst after 10 years of not having proper burst.

Udeniably, the damage is strong but with beta changes, I was hoping ele would go back to its roots, not this boring dampener it has been since WoD. On beta, because LvB is tuned higher, ele is killing during Ascendance proc windows and on regular Ascendance, with Icefury+Elemental blast mini bursts (altho EV is overtuned by itself, but it got nerfed too).

Ele, fire and destro were the original “burst” casters and it makes so much more sense considering their theme.

Spam dispel and you slow them alot, i mean neither affli/ele do anything else than just do dmg. They pair with rdruid for example and just do dmg till dampen high enough.

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