Please fix the spam dispel meta

Every match it feels like dispel its just a normal part of the rotation for healers now. Just spam it off CD. With all the other dispels baked into the abilities of even non healers these days you just find yourself spending like 20% of your GCDs reapplying stuff its not fun or dynamic.
Magic dispels should have a hefty mana cost and be a DECISION to use for important things not just spammed off CD without thought unless vs aff/sp


Honestly, I disagree…as ele, you just need to learn to play around dispels.

Only double dispel from priest is truly annoying and Revival. But Revival is getting nerfed, and most importantly, almost all self dispel mechanics will be gone in TWW (ret and dh),

Ele makes you notice it for sure lol but I mean in general, either the CD or the mana cost or both need to be tweaked a bit, not radically so but enough that you cant just spam it off CD all match without consequence


It already is a decision.

If I dispel a polymorph or nova vs a frost mage, they can use that to get frost bomb up on someone and burst hard.

Vs mage sure… theres some exceptions where you want to hold your dispel for important dispelable magic effects like poly/HoJ etc but there arent that many of them. In many if not most match ups you are just spamming it against certain classes.
Just give it a decent mana cost increase so it has a big downside from spamming it just like Purge etc.

I feel the same way about purge lol

Purge has a very high mana cost already thats my point lol

Not high enough for the value it brings tbh


That’s how you fall behind. If I’m dispelling, I’m not healing. Against classes that dispelling them is useful against, you’re basically just trading GCDs with them but you’re also not healing.

Ele and sp suffer a lot from dispel (especially double dispel and aoe dispel) you sometimes spend 24/7 reapplying dot basically removing your spec by default with no real punishment.

Also it’s kinda wrong what you say, if you dispel you don’t heal, yes sure but what should you heal if there is no dmg?

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Yeah, no, not wrong.

If I’m to strip druid hots, it’s a good 5-6 seconds where I’m not doing any healing and they can just reapply them constantly, making it a GCD trade.

His speaking of dispels and ur speaking of purge now if your purging druids hots. I understand his point to a degree that if you spam priests 2x dispel pvp talent on sp/eles conditions then they wont do so much dmg and you wont have too much pressure to heal and wont suffer from the spam of dispel as so. And what you said about purging druid hots and it becoming gcd trade is true but also harm them cause mastery and their usage of swiftmend if they have to constantly just spam hots that are being purged.

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So am I…?

Priests don’t have purge.

Sorry you completely lost me, Im confused now. Dispel is when you remove condition from friendlies and purge is when you remove condition from enemies, his speaking of sp/ele dmg being hindered if people dispel alot and hence making need to heal less. You talked of purging druid hots and it becoming gcd trade. I tried to explain it.


I mean his clearly talking of dispelling sp/ele conditions from friendlies and how it wont hinder your healing as there wont be so much to heal then if you spam dispel on their conditions. Then you started tell him that if you spam “dispel” which is purging btw on druid hots it would become gcd trade, he is talking of dispelling friendlies and you are talking of purging enemies. First of all your talking of two complete different things and you didnt understand his point he made about dispelling ele/sp dots from friendlies on cd. Anything else is beside the point but purge is used when your purging hots from druids like you said and dispel is when you remove like poly or hoj from friendly. Or like he said dispelling sp/ele conditions which will remove alot dmg from them, this would be good action to do.

You’re not purging.

You’re dispelling. The ability is literally called dispel magic. It’s in the name.

This is purging

His talking of dispelling, your replying to him about complete different thing. He is talking of removing conditions from friendlies and you talk of removing from enemies. Whichever you want to call these actions is beside the point.

It’s dispelling.

You understand that if you do like he said and remove sp/ele conditions on cd you then have to heal less cause it harms the enemy very much.

If you want to talk about the gcd trade which comes from purging druid hots however I gave the example on it why its also still beneficial because how druid mastery works and it harms their ability to use swiftmend properly.

You replied to him with different matter, his talking of dispelling friendlies and you replyed with purging hots from druid.