Please for the love of god give us back the old pre WoD character models and animations

I already only play ocassionally because this expansion is absolute G A R B A G E but even if it wasn’t the new character models are ruining my experience tremendously.

Especially male undead got butchered so much it’s actually unreal. How they managed to turn the best looking and best animated race of the game to this goofy abomination right now is beyond my comprehension.

We had the option to disable the new models in WoD so why is it gone?


I think ud model is fine. Took awhile to get used to but i did. Upcoming shadowlands customization options are going to be great aswell. Cant wait to get my hands on boneless model so that i dont look like hobo in my fancy dress.

I won’t disagree with you on this one. The walk compared to the old one is unplayable

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there were many threads like this when they removed old model and animation options… and I am talking about threads with many thousands participants… but blizzard didnt do any change. and I dont think it will happen now…


It was turned to just a texture switch in legion but it didnt work on Belves and Nelves because they had just gotten the new demon hunter only customization (they didn’t want to bother making them for the old models).

Then they removed it completely with BfA. And with the new customizations that are coming in SL, I wouldn’t even dream of that option coming back.

I still miss the old walk/run animation of Night Elves…


I really miss old animations. Old human animations were awesome. The “slam” attack was awesome.

I basically started in MoP so I’ve now played both animations equally. Gotta say the old one had more flavors and I felt unique on every race I played.

The aoe thing like when a mage is casting blizzard or druid using efflorescence is so dumb omg…


The old animations felt more like a game. The new ones just feel like a stupid Disney pixar movie with weird exaggerated facial expressions. Your playerbase is an average of 28 years Blizzard, is this meant to be a joke…? Or do you think Fortnite faces will pull kiddos to this game? At least answer this so we can understand?


I don’t really care for the old animations or models, but I don’t understand why Blizzard didn’t keep it as an option for those that did…

Relativity Chef.

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Looks more they are about to :poop: themselves than cast a spell


I always think the same thing when I see their face up close while I cast a spell. It just looks terrible and idiotic… Blizzard seems to fond of copying FFXIV so can’t they copy their facial expressions as well please?


Well i only want Upright option for undead, this would be great :slight_smile:

I like the updated undead models tbh

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The worst is human males. They used to look like highbred MEN, now their heads look like they have down syndrome.

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