Please give Survival back their S3 tier set bonus

Every spec voted for their best set in the polls, for some reason survival got their worst (and the most boring) of the three (probably because only 10 of us are actually playing survival)
Even though no one played it(seriously, I only saw 1 other Survivaly player and that was in raid finder) S3 survival felt powerful especially in mythic+, so I’m baffled how could anyone vote for the S1 tier set.

According to my sims, a fully upgraded mythic tier S4 4-set will do less damage in both single target and AoE than my current 2 heroic-2 mythic S3 tier set. I won’t even bother rolling on tier pieces in raids.

Please Blizzard do something about this, I think survival players have suffered enough already.


Hard agree with this. It’s by far the easiest fix.

Like everyone who voted for s1, I had a lot of fun with that set as well. But anyone who believes that they would get the old set back are 100% kidding themselves. It’s impossible to balance. Survival has received several aura buffs and a huge 40% primary damage buff to bombs. Mix that in with the S1 set and Survival would be completely broken in ST.

However, the streets don’t forget the 10% damage nerf we received to Mongoose Bite as well. This does make the S1 tier set less potent than it was in S1.

If they decide to stick with the S1 tier set for Survival, which they probably will, there has to be some changes.

First off, it needs to bring some more AoE capacity. This could either be through bombs, that the butchery doubles the amount of cooldown reduced for bombs or simply a damage increase. Or just a big ol massive Butchery hit that deals roughly 200-300% increased damage. If you think that sounds high, look at how much % of your overall damage butchery is next time you do a dungeon. It’s not very high.

Secondly, the mongoose bite needs to be free again. I cannot stress enough how important this is for the set. The damage increase is a bit whatever but what made the kit good was the free focus. Without it, the kit is loses all it’s value, both for damage and just the amount of fun. The fact that you could get 2 procs of each other and then get an extra 3rd Mongoose because you regenerated focus during the other mongoose bites made the kit feel amazing. Together with the Spearhead talent, it felt great to burst hard during BL phases on bosses.

I will finish this long rant with two things.

First off, like many other players who actually know how to play the class, I will not be switching set. The S3 set is superior in every way. It has flexibilty, it adds low CD bursts and great AoE and ST capacity with the Bombardier talent for raids and extra crit for Kill Shot in m+. Getting the extra crit damage with an explosive shot is what keeps me subscribing to the game. The S1 kit adds nothing to any of the talents except spearhead. It is the less interesting choice, by far.

Secondly, I want to address this directly to the survival hunter community. What were you thinking voting for S1? You actually voted for a set that was destroyed with nerfs instead of what is arguably the best set survival has ever had? I will never understand you people.


Survival deserves to get the worst set available for them.

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Add the effect of s3 set to Ruthless Marauder hehe. But yeah, guess I’m stuck with my 4 pieces of s3 gear :upside_down_face:

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The set is super lame.
I didn’t even know the community has a say in things at all these days, and they actually voted for that? Astounding. And since anybody can vote, and the survival community is so small, probably a lot of those that voted never touched this spec in the first place, or voted maliciously because they want this game to be as unfun as possible.

At least Blizz could’ve given us a notification in advance via the Blizz app or Bnet desktop app, or even an email for such a huge gameplay decision.

I did start play SV last season and I just loved it, cos of s3 set bonus interaction, Now suddenly gameplay have chanced totally.

Did a Survival hunter eat your pet or something.

I can confirm this, i just got my 4-set today. - tested it in LFR for the antique bronze bullion. And it performed way worse than my old 4-set. That let me to simming it. The resoult is as follows: In a 5 min Patchwork fight the new set doing 239.307 and the old set doing 233.777. despite some of the items being 47 ilvls higher than tsom of my older set-pieces. But that is not all. In a simulated dungeon slice the new set did 282.806 and the old is doing 340.696. wtf is this?

It’s very much possible that Trolls like Bac voted for the worst set bonus on purpose because they have small peepee

A flat % buff for a ability as TSet fits perfect too the Talent tree with no deep beside 2 points for damage % increase

Even in pvp, its useless. So little bonus… this vote was the biggest mistake ever :smiley:

I did vote for the current set survival has. I voted with all my alts too. Of course there is freedom of choice and close minded survivals can not do anything about it! Survival has been OP for a very LONG time! Every season has been survival season. Every freaking season survival gets the best set of all hunter specs and MM gets left behind alone.

I want MM to be the most OP spec of all hunter specs, if its not then I want to drag the whole hunter class down only to make BM and survival have a hard time.

Ah ok, now I see. You are just stupid.


Blizzard should hotfix survival hunter with a buff asap. Blizzard should make survival hunter shine above the regular classes and specs. We are very rare unicorns too see ingame. We deserve some love.


I just did 2x HoI back to back with the only difference S3 and S4 tier sets and S3 did around 80k more dps overall with me loosing 15ilvl. its absolutely insane but i guess since we’re just a few survival hunters Blizzard won’t fix it anytime soon

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I don’t post on the forums often, only when I really want to voice my opinion on something. This is one of those times. I don’t understand how the community ended up voting for S1 tier set. In what content is S1 tier set performing better than S3 tier set after the nerfs and buffs to survival throughout the expansion? If we talk about what is more fun S3 is also a clear winner to me.

I agree with this topic so much. Please give us S3 tier set.

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Oh hey look at that, after a week fury and balance both got a response and buff to their lackluster tier set perfonce, but not survival, not even anything! Well, that hurts a bit.

Honestly, any kind of change would be nice, but personally I love the S3tier mechanic and I wish it would become a talent, I’m gonna miss it in the next expac.


Survival “new” tier set bonus is like 20k or more downgrade, but lets buff destro one of the best aoe specs because they struggled on ST…
I’m getting tired of them always buffing locks or mages!

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