Please give the Pandaren some lore love in Dragonflight

Actually exactly that happened Legion like it whas foretold in BoO.
Like Aisha said there, they returned to Shen Zin Su and if you have a Monk you can see them on the Wandering Island (which you can return to in Legion if you have a Monkcharacter) teaching young pandaren and female Gnom together Kung Fu.
Them returning in BFa as the embassy supervisors only showed that their factions have not given up the Alliance/Horde but they stay out of war.

I sadly have to agree. Except what I learned on the starting Island I have no idea what the Tushie or Huojin actually do. I even put them as wardens in my Garrison in WoD because I feel like they should actually do anything at all for the Horde.

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