Title says it all. I know we are some kind of “one expansion spotlight race” but come on. You can’t tell me that there has nothing happened in the panda society since MoP. I don’t care if it’s some friendship arc between Aysa Cloudsinger and Ji Firepaw or some inner conflict but pleeeease something. Doesn’t even have to be that relevant for the main story…
Did they marry eventually or not? I’m seriously asking that…I lost almost all track of Pandaren lore since a long time
(and the reason of their division in the Horde-Alliance is a bit silly, and very similar in concept to the Blood Elves-High Elves division anyway… as far as I remember Alliance Tushui Pandaren (like High Elves) prefer inaction and friendship with other races that can keep them safe if it means they can keep their honorful “high horse” status, while Huojin prefer survival and action at all costs even if it can make them morally grey people in some situations (like Blood Elves)
I don’t the Dragon Isles are located near Pandaria; however we could see some situations between the dragons and the jade serpents…see if there’s anything between the two?
I doubt it, but I wouldn’t mind a little bit more Pandaren lore - especially from Ji as he was heavily used in Roux’s book.
It always annoyed me that Aysa did nothing in BFA besides meditating on the ship in Boralus. Not even a dialogue when you talk to her even when your character is a pandaren himself…
I don’t really know much of Aysa as I’ve mainly been Horde and when I do play Alliance, it’s mainly my Night Elf Druid.
So I am more familiar with Ji than with Aysa.
Same with Ji from my point of knowledge but that doesn’t matter anymore. BFA is over and gone. I just want Blizz to remember that there are more races in this game than humans, elfes, orcs and the walking dead.
Well Dragonflight is heavily using Blood Elves, Dwarves and Dragon-people.
I don’t think blizzard even knows Ji Firepaw exist and i would not hold my breath about the pandas getting any lore
The last person who remembered his existence is Madeleine Roux, since she gave him a role in « Shadows Rising ». I liked seeing him into action with Thrall. But since the game devs seem to have forgotten the existence of this novel completely, I guess you’re not wrong.
I would be very disappointed if we don’t see any pandaren and cloud serpents in the dragon isles.
Though not there from before the opening but rather the cloud serpents, unknown to them why, feel compelled to seek out isles.
I really hope we will see all kinds of dragons drawn to the dragon isles.
i don’t think cloud serpents technically qualify as dragons in the lore so ye
I get that they don’t really know what to do with the faction-bound Pandaren idea, and that Ji and Aysa are thus a bit of a hard topic for them. But Li Li is about the same age as Anduin, and lived as a young explorer, they could always bring Chen back, and there were multiple Pandaria characters they could bring back at any point. We really don’t need faction leaders as adventurers to make stories for non-human characters, and sure, Dragonflight would be a fine place for some of them.
Pandaren had enough screentime in MoP. Now it is time to give some other characters some well deserved spotlight.
Nononono. You stay away this time you won’t derail my thread with another childish rant about:“gImMe bAcK mA dEaD lEgAcY cHaRaCtErZzZzZ bLiZzAaAaArD!!!111
I agree, I’d like to see some further Pandaren lore as well as some more customisation options for their models.
MoP gave the Pandaren more attention then any other races can hope for. Don’t be greedy.
because Mop was THE panda expansion!
The expansion to introduce the pandaren.
the expansion to introducee pandaria.
Isn’t it obvios that it’s all abou the pandaren there?
That was always so: new expansion- focus on the race or new class.
bc- bloodelf and dranei
wotlk- DK
Cata- Worgen and Goblin.
Mop- Pandaren and monk
Wod- Orcs and dranei
Legion- mostly DH
serouisly, sometime I question myself if your not mentaly retarded…
I think more races and stuff, could use some more lore love …
Because these Drakthyr were out of sight for a very long time, and many-many-many stories (also wierd ones) can be told…
Like, Dragonflight was a kind of sanctuary for many …
- The DarkTrolls did hide their since their wars with the NE’s ?
- Perhaps we will find a whole clan or so, of half-orcs ?
- and many more half-breeds, mixed-races, and more ?
- Cultivated friendly Murlocs? Your very best fishing trainer ?
- Also a group of Horde fugitives, which did left the Horde because of the deeds of Sylvanas ?
- Titan technology, perhaps, we find some references to (former-)portals to other worlds they have travelled, and perhaps on those planets we could find the above surprise-races???
Much more could have happened on a continent which is just discovered…
I am very curious about the stories /thumbsup
Doesn’t really strike me as an expansion, where the Pandaren have literally anything in common with the premise. Especially given that it’s supposedly located way up north somewhere around the Northrend EK area.
Now, one could ask what the hell are the centaur doing there since they’re the offspring Theradras and Zaelar about 9 000 years after WotA, in the butt end of Desolace…
True for the Pandaren as a race, but the faction Pandaren (Huojin/Tushui) had close to nothing honestly