Please, give us a glyph for the Old Avenging Wrath wings

As a long time player, ive enjoyed wow for many years, some would say too many years and i doubt this will reach the people who can make this happen but one can hope. How ever ive seen alot of the nostalgic older animations that were considered lost from the classic series come back and i forgot how much i loved the old avenging wrath wings.

With blizz essentially bringing back the old style of wings, there are so many of us who would love and appreciate a glyph for the old avenging wrath wings to return in retail, not only that but with the arathi being reintroduced in the war within, i feel like it could be an awesome thematic glyph for the profession.


there already is a glyph for old wings

“Glyph of Winged Vengeance”

Like most things that age, it dies. Fortunately, the old wings have been buried. Rest in peace junk graphics wings.

Wow classic probably has the old wings, right?

Yea, youre not wrong but they are more like Butterfly wings because they add little wings at the bottom, it would be nice for some if we had all the options but im under no illusions either, its probably not going to happen.

Some people like the butterfly style, some people like the new style, and some like the original style, how your character looks is a big part of retail so more options is always nice.


is there a bug with Sentinel I can’t glyph it ?

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