Please give us some inflation

Can we get some inflation so people actually want to play the game, this entire reward and MMR system needs changing, shame cause games good


Who’d have thought that making an elite tabard that doesn’t work with 99.9999% of the appearances in the game, an illusion that looks like it cost 20 gold on the Auction House, and a Gladiator mount which looks worse than other re-skins of the same model which you got for free results in people not playing?

Almost like I called this months and months ago before the season started when Wowhead leaked everything. People still unironically defended all these rewards.


I agree on this but inflation isnt even the worst problem atm. The MMR matchmaking system and reward system is absolute sh×××t. They should rework everything and give us more rewards for each 50-100 rating gained. Maybe gold,pets,blood stones. What ever. All is better than the useless chest u get every game played. Fix quetime in shuffle and blitz. Make 2s rewarding to play again and make healers gain rating in shuffle.

Maybe add a title for those who are 3000+ rated and make gladiator abit
more easy to get so ppl dont buy boost.

no way people defended the mount

Yes they did. I’ll see if I can find the thread later.

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I bet the people who defended it were people that don’t even pvp. Everyone i know who pvps hates the mount.

I vividly remember a certain Garrote enjoyer in a thread arguing/agreeing that people shouldn’t complain about the quality of rewards, we are not entitled to ask for a new one just because we don’t like the look of it and should be thankful we get something new.

Edit: Yeah here’s the thread:

Could you explain what you mean by that? I am pretty sure mmr has been inflated few times this season. 1800 is a starting and the lowest point in SS. After going positive in your placements you spawn at 2100 on a freshie. It is literally impossible to be 1700 or below currently due to how inflated mmr is. At this point you would have to play placements at 2400. This mmr inflation seems to not be working?

He has the right to like it, but for me it looks absolutely horrible and like you said, having to try hard to a crap recolor of a mount you can get for free in bfa…

wtf is this, they make instead good mounts but you need real money to buy it on the store …

Tbh I really liked the gronnelin in wod especially the green one, but people hated these mounts in wod to iirc, but they are still dope compared to this one.

Completely agree with you. Don’t listen to these other sweaties. They just want to keep the rewards to themselves cuz they are in the top 2% of leaderboards :joy:

Sure, didn’t say they don’t have the right to like it, but it was called in advance of the season that the rewards are so poor that they are going to have a direct impact on participation. This should have been obvious by how vocal people were about it on all platforms. Blizzard had ample opportunity to act on the overwhelming negative feedback. If 90 out of 100 people say something is bad why would you ignore them because 10 people say it’s good or that they don’t mind something?

Yep, I also saw a petition on reddit but doubt at this moment it would change anything and I was right.

I hope the next seasons will get a better looking mount.

If it’s the rumoured one it’s better but still garbage.

Apparently if you disagree with this…specimen, you do not have a right to talk. Eh.

I suppose, to be honest, that this also plays a huge role. Some people have to invest a colossal effort to get to Gladiator so it may feel, for them, that the effort is being too poorly rewarded considering the 4 previous mounts that were (in my opinion) amazing. But other people just get Gladiator by default, and then it’s really … whatever. Last time the rewards were better, this time they are a bit worse, big deal, we get them all without much effort anyway. It’s not even the goal.

If that makes sense.

Said nobody ever. Try reading the thread and comprehending why I have said what I have said. In fact I explicitly say you can feel whatever you want about it, even though the vast majority disagree and think it’s awful. And shocker, people aren’t playing, like I and many others said they wouldn’t!

Who’d have thought that not listening to the voices of the masses results in a dissatisfied playerbase who have a diminished interest in playing the product? Clearly, not you!