Please improve the LFR queues

As more and more people feel like they are done with Remix, the longer the LFR queues become - especially if you want to play at other times other than daytime or peak hours.

But the main reason the queues are so long is because there are so few healers. And when people refuse to sign up as healers even though they can stay in their DPS spec and won’t actually need to heal; it’s clear the way the LFR queues work in Remix need to change.

Please either remove the need for healers to queue for LFR completely, or make it so that the 5 healer spots are flex spots; if the queue takes longer than 10 minutes to pop, the missing healer spots can be replaced by DPS.

It’s so, so silly to see the queue be 2/2 tanks 2/5 healers 13/13 dps for a long time(if the LFR pops at all in the middle of the night/early morning) when the healers aren’t actually needed!


Yeah, it’s a shame LFR has such long queues as a lot of players find LFR easier to join (objectively it is as well, as you just have to queue up) in order to do a large part of the content that is ‘end-game’ raids.

Now, that being said, joining a normal raid through the manual group-finder is quite easy and there’s often lots of groups. If there isn’t — you can start a group yourself!
You don’t even need healers for the raids anymore so you can say goodbye to waiting for tanks or healers. Plus, a lot of players are doing the leveling through ‘bonus experience’ and want to join normal raids at level 25, so you’ll find at least 30 players that wish to join, lol.

Just abandon LFR for now and stick to normals then progress to heroics.

As it stands, I feel they could work on a system, where if the LFR detects a certain number of players over a gearscore cap or a single individual at 476, then the healer slot should be ignored and filled normally with DPS.

It would indeed speed up runs for some. But it won’t really solve the problem for others, who will continue to wait.

The speed at which people are joining the LFR in remix is the same speed as it is in retail. Then again, I don’t really pay that much attention to the timeframe, as I’m doing other things in the meantime to pass the time.

I understand the frustration that some people have, but this problem will not be fixed now or by the time remix ends.

I’m a collector. I can’t abandon LFR. I want the mogs that only drop in LFR.

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Makes sense. You’re definitely right about that.

Be nice if there was a RANDOM LFR option to quickly drop you in any raid wing needing filling just to do the daily quick.

Sometimes I wish LFR wasn’t faction locked.

Maybe they could implement an npc like the guy in legion dalaran where you could queue for solo lfr stuff (should you wish to do so and are able)

We honestly just need them to add the LFR NPC, so we can start it solo or with a smaller group and just clear it ourselves. I already deal 90% of the collective damage when joining LFR anyway.

Remix and Main WoW share the same client, so any change they apply in Remix to the LFR system would also be applied to the main game, which isn’t going to happen.