Wholeheartedly agree.
Looks disturbingly swedish.
i agree they should have looked like tuskars instead. Those are getting their models updated so getting playable tuskars in the future would be nice
Oi, i’ll have you know my horns are much more pointy than that.
I agree and dont stop there just delete the lizard form entirely…
Gecko lizard ONE SHOT hahaha
I disagree. Casting in a human form is not a part of gameplay. Gameplay says, if you chose this race, you will play this race. So, both lore and gameplay are not on your side on this.
In the end of the day, just play a human mage if you like human cast more.
They can do it like DH. Specific abilities transforms you to dragon for their duration, like Eye Beam, Fel Devastasion makes you demon while you channel. And add a big CD like “Metamorphosis” that will turn you to dragon form and enpower all your abilities for the period. The rest can be done in human form…
why playing a character if you don’t like the main feature? stick to humans.
Yes, but DH are elves, so they stay in their elf form most of the time. And Metamorphosis itself already explains that it’s a form they take, not their main form. You can imagine that the “human” form mentioned above is a Metamorphosis for them too, it’s not their main form. The author of this topic fails to understand what is main form, and what is secondary disguise.
If they do it, there will be a dog revolution.
This. Please.
So much this.
This is exactly how I envision it would work best.
Agreed. DH style combat choice addition would be really nice. I always wanted to play a dragon class with a similarity to the aspects, and if they are completely locked into that form, all customizations done in that form would be pointless.
And I do not think the comparing it to Worgen make much sense. Other form of worgens are just normal humans; not a completely new race, that has draconic features and a new class attached to it. I really hope Blizzard considers adding this as a option.
Just make a glyph similar to the boomkin one.
Those that want the OG form have it
Those that don’t like it can bang on a glyph and be people instead of dragons.
Despite the lore reasons I do side this time with the Drac’thyr critics. It should be a choice of the players, irrelevant what the lore says.
I sure love casting in human form.
Pretty bad disguise if you ask me… What with the scale patches, horns, creepy eyes and such. You’d think dragons are smarter than that.
We will be able to shapeshift straight after combat, so to me it makes no difference and im sure someone will make a mod that will help with this for those who want to be in visage 99% of the time.
Me I’m fine either way the Dragon form looks cool