Please let us move from anniversary HC to anniversary PvP

Hello Blizzard and everyone who should be interested, or have an opinion.

Super hyped for the fresh releases! I’m really looking forward to another round!

I was however a little dissapointed, when i realised, that dead HC characters wont be able to transfer to the fresh PvP realms this time around.

I love the idea and the rush of lvling as far as i can on hardcore, but once my inevitable death accours, (and it will), i’d love to be able to go and goof around and worldpvp on a pvp-realm.

I might not have the required brainpower to understand why it is so with the transfer, so please do enlighten me, if i’ve missed anything.
However, theese are my thoughts about it, and my hopes are obviously, that you, (Blizzard), will consider changing it.

That said, with my before mentioned low amount of brainpower, i’m sure that theese thoughts have already been discussed at the meetings, as there wont be anything mindblowing going on here! I just feel like i had to atleast mention it, knowing “i did what i could”.

My guess is, that with the wish of keeping a nice balance on the pvp-realms, it’s rather “complicated” to allow players to transfer from a HC-realm, seeing as you wont know, if it’s mostly alliance or hordes comming from there.
However, my big belief is, that it really wont be a problem, and that this “issue” honestly only talks to a small population.

First of all, i believe that the hardcore-part of players, are a rather small part of the huge classic-family. my guess is below 15%?

I also believe, that once people die on the HC-realm, people divide into 4 different groups.

1: "%&#/&! THIS @%&# GAME! NEVER AGAIN! (taking a break… See you again somewhere in Azeroth at some point… We are all addicted).
2: Instant “we go agane”… (Crazy people without human feelings).
3: I love my char and mostly enjoy pve, so i’d like to transfer to the normal-realm.
4: I love my char and mostly enjoy PvP, so i’d like to transfer to the pvp-realm. (Hello, nice to meet you ).

I believe the #4 are a very small amount of people, and i cant imagen, that’s what’s gonna “tip the scales” honestly.

I know, a counterargument would be, that if people really wanna roll a locked faction on the pvp-realm, they could just make it on HC, and then transfer - however, the workaround that, could be, that you’d only be able to transfer there, after lvl 30, a certain amount of /played or something like that. Then it would atleast require a certain amount of commitment.

I believe, that a HC-server is something alot of classicplayers dip their toes in at some point, and being able to transfer wherever you want, after your misserable death, is something that will also help keeping both the HC and non-HC realms alive. I mean, “if you need an alt, why not give it a go on a HC-realm and take up the challenge - you can always transfer it to your main”?

I really hope, that you’d reconsider or atleast convince me why i’m wrong, so i can sleep peacefully again!

i’ll play either way anyways…

See you all soon!

Please, make it so we can transfer from anniversary HC to anniversary PvP. We wont ruin up the balance - we promise! (I think).


It would be awesome if they do it. It’s pretty disapointing that they force the HC players transfer they characters to the PVE realm


100% agree, blizzard allow HC death on PVP server please.


… and give you a fasttrack to the closed faction :rofl:


I really hope Blizz implement what you said! I’d love my HC rogue to be able to play on a PvP realm when it dies.


Yeah not only that but it’s also a great way to avoid competing for mob spawns/quest drops with more people as it’s obvious HC server will have a lower pop, which also means shorter queue times.

Mage AoE powerlevelers will have a field trip day by getting ahead of the curve in HC, until they die and get to transfer to normal server where they will probably have no competition because the mages that started there will be stuck fighting for a spot in duskwood or some shi

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I can’t help but wonder… if you enjoy PVP this much why would you go for hardcore server instead of PVP one in the first place ?


two answers to this question are already given.

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Always a little sad with theese semi-toxic replies, that clearly shows, that you havn’t even bothered to read the post you are replying to.

This wasnt ment as an easy way to bypass their plan of trying to balance the server, which is very welcomed!

Therefore, It’s also suggested, that a certain requirement has to be met, in order to be able to transfer freely.

That could be something like lvl 30+, a certain amount of /played, 50 gold pay-up etc. Whatever would make lvling on the HC-server, “not an easy way around the balancing”.

Hope you’ll be more open for a more real and actual discussion regarding the topic, rather than thoose effortless stings.


I know, sorry I was grumpy because this is the Nth thread about that very same thing, and it seems noone ever bothers to look back in the threads, or even look in the Forums before replying.

Your suggestions are thought over, not so the one I replied to.

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Well, i honestly enjoy the excitement and thrill of lvling hardcore, over the occasional World-pvp-gank in tarren mill. Its mostly the lvl 60-pvp that im looking forward to.

That being said tho, and as mentioned originally - its not the end of the world, I’ll still play. I’d just have loved to atleast have the option.


That’s fair!
I’ll be honest and admit, that i hadn’t done much of a research. It was a very “barely scratching the surface”-kind of a googling.

Cheers for the nice reply here at the end!
Faith in the forum-culture restored!

See you in azeroth!

Happy launch to you and everyone else!


I am in the same boat.

I really love pvp but cant stand leveling 1-60. Having the thrill of leveling HC would make the journey to 60 a lot more exciting!


So you wanna level in peace from 1 to 60 with no one to kill you and then transfer PVP and gank everyone levelling. Great plan, sorry, nope.
If you wanna play on PVP server, roll PVP with everything that comes with it.


What a load of crap

This man speaks the truth


That’s what I like about Classic - there are no level boosts or other official workarounds to get to level 60.


Give us atleast the chance to choose where we want to go…

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Berny says nay to such heresy.


Leveling on HC realm is not as easy as you think my man. I don’t know how to tell you, but being ganked by high level is not even close to the danger that HC realms offer.

I’ve played on PvP servers for 20 years. I don’t have even one char on PvE realm. HC is more dangerous than your PvP leveling experience.


Haven’t played hardcore before but figured I’d try it out this time. But since I won’t be able to move my character to a PvP realm later on I’ve lost all interest already.