Please make a toy that allows you choose if you want a specific character to learn all account-wide flight paths

Can you please please please make a toy that lets you choose whether to reveal your account-wide flight paths in addition to the one for map exploration?

I really like the experience of coming to a new quest hub and seeing that green exclamation mark and going straight for it, and thinking “ah! I accomplished something by making my way here. Now I’ll have the option to use the flight path next time.”

It is genuinely frustrating to me that you acknowledge that some people like the character-specific experience when it comes to map exploration, but you can’t do the same for Gryphon masters. Is there some technical reason why one is more feasible than the other?

And for the record, no, I don’t always want to manually learn every single flight point on every single character. I have used flight master reveal toys in the past, when they worked for an expansion per toy, but I did it on my own time, when I no longer felt I needed that leveling journey for that character, in that place, and just wanted the convenience. I liked them because they gave me a choice.

Please reconsider not having a toy to reveal the account-wide flight paths, similar to the one you’ve implemented for map exploration. I really don’t want to have every new alt I make auto-learn every single flight path I’ve ever learned the moment I log on to them. In fact, there are several lower-level alts I’m not logging on to after the prepatch, since I’m holding out hope that there will be a way to have the choice in the future.


As for the lvling…harsh etc…
There are 2 choices already
A choice of paying some money for an max lvl char … use it …
Spend close to 3 hours just login and afk in Pandaria remix raid at 25 lvl and reaching max lvl with 11 chars …

And for Flight-paths ?
With dragonriding you can unlock all the flight patch -per zone in like 10-15 min .

I have more than 10 alts…so if you play with them it’s quite easy …

Did you even read the post? Nothing you have said has any connection to any of the points in the OP.

As to the flight points, I do agree there is a certain satisfaction in clicking that green exclamation mark and getting the “you have unlocked a new flight path” message. Getting a toggle or toy to get that discovery dopamine fix back would be neat I think


There’s already toys like that, right? Maps.
Maybe not all of them, but the major ones for sure. You can buy them at the heirloom vendor.

Nothing sucks worse than seeing a long timer respawn Rare up, but you can’t hop off your flight because you haven’t uncovered the flight masters the next few stops… :grimacing:

Be nice if you could just jump off at your own discretion wherever…

I’m sure I read somewhere, that if flight points are unlocked on 1 character they would be unlocked on your others, who haven’t unlocked it yet.

That is what they have said would happen going forward, when they revealed the Warband feature in more detail a few months ago. I have not yet been able to confirm that this is actually what happens after prepatch, as I have not yet logged onto characters and explored areas where it would be obvious that I could not have gotten the flight points manually, but it seems to be the case.

I’m pretty sure I saw on some beta youtube video that there is already a toy, spell or consumable you have to use per character to unlock all the exploration.

Can’t link it. Was a couple weeks ago and I don’t remember which is was.

Could be mistaken, I’ll try to find the video but I don’t rate my chances.

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Nevermind, it was the map exploration one I saw. Not the flight path ones.

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Yeah. I know about that one, as I write in the very first post. I’m saying I want the same toy for flight path exploration as they’ve made for map exploration.

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