Please make the Therazane shoulder enchants BOA like Hodir

All reps should be BOA then. I dont want to have to get all the same exact reps to exalted on my second healer.

In retail they’re only just doing that in the NEXT expansion lol, I doubt they would ever do it in classic.
Best we can hope for is

Thank God
Thank you
this would be the highlight of my day <3

just checked the vendor and it’s already BOA

That would actually useful since leveling is so damn fast that even if you start deepholm right at 82, by the time you quested far enough to actually have the therazane quartermaster available you are already 84 there is absolutely no point in visiting Uldum.

You did find a working Atlas Loot? Where?

But you dont really need level all reps, only thing that mandotary is enchants (which is BoA), for other rep rewards there will be a lot of alternatives from the raid or other sources. You are not forced to grind the rep for 1 temporary 346 to 359 upgrade for 1-2 raid ids.

You arent forced to grind anything. That is a losing arguments.

Pointless “gatekeeping” and a grind that only hinders alts, Besides that no one is gonna be letting anyone raid if they’re not “pre-raid bis”.

If you are raiding in super hardcore top progress guild then yes. If you are raiding in semi-hardcore/casual guild or a pug, 100% pre-raid bis not needed, nobody will check that every single item equipped on you is absolute bis.

This “grind” makes LFD extremely useful for any fresh 85, without this rep grind (And you dont really NEED grind every rep) would be harder for any fresh 85 (non-alt) to use LFD for rep/gear like every single player do with their first 85.

it’s also a good idea because cata the classic cycle is much faster

Thank you!

But I besiege you, do something about nitro boost. We are all forced to take engineering just to get into raids.

Please also buff warrior and paladin tanks abit, and healers like holy priests. These specs don’t have a spot in raids.

Thank you!

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