Please make the Therazane shoulder enchants BOA like Hodir

Like come on. We’ve already had changes anyway and it’s weird as hell that these aren’t BOA.

Having to do this zone on multiple alts is going to be an absolute pain in the backside.


If its an absolute pain to do on multiple alts, then dont do it.


The Best in Slot shoulder enchant is from it.

Literally zero reason to not make it BoA when the previous one was.

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“give me stuff for free”.

Try retail.

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Were you against the WoW token? The Boost?

Paladins getting both Seals in TBC? Or the myriad of other changes Classic has seen.

I don’t think asking for an Enchant to be in line with the rest of them by being BoA is a huge ask. Even if you seem to believe it is.

Given the Hodir ones were BoA it makes no sense to keep these BoA. Especially when the head ones in Cata are not.

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Yes I was, and still are against those.

You feel entitled since you wanna play many alts, to do it on 1 char and then just get the rest for free.

Imagine thinking it’s “entitlement” to want one enchant to be brought in line with how the others are and how it’s predecessor was.

Really stretching the bar there but you do you I guess. I’ll leave it here because I’m hoping it gets picked up and the devs consider changing it.


Cata IS retail. Go play era, grandpa.


Any request for game features or design philosophy, will be met by some lame boomer attempt at memeing.


I’m assuming that you won’t be using the account-wide enchants for your alts then? :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, I find find it funny that this was the only conclusion you could make out of their post. Personally I’d be more inclined to grind rep if we got the pre-nerf heroics.

I’m gonna assume the Hodir Enchants were made BoA solely because the faction at the time lacked their own Tabard which would make farming reputation with them limited to just Turning in Ulduar Fragments and dailies. Therazane have Tabard so they were treated just like any other faction. Or at least that’s my guess.

yes you have everything for free then when you have an alt, cause your alt is atomatically leveld up to 85 aswell, fully bis geard too cause you dont have to do this on a 2nd char again, blizzards sends you free valorpoints per mail cause everything is free on an alt :man_facepalming:

Dude, the enchant has been accountwide in wrath, having the rep bound enchant in cata aswell has nothing to do with retail or anything like it.

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Yes it has.

Retail is where free stuff is handed out. You want the enchant on a char? Then get rep. Dont do it on 1 char, and expect to be given it for free to the others. If you want to play chars, then put an effort innto it.

hodir enchant was account wide in wrath, so its classic design not retail aswell. FACT

this type of change isnt even in retail why would it be in classic

You’re confused with the shoulder enchant you get from inscription.
You also don’t have to go into Deepholm for it.


We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.


Ok grandpa, its time for your nap.

Thank you, It would be great if you add Bind on Account Renowned tabards to all factions at exalted so people have easier time leveling factions on alts.
Like the guild tabards.

Enchants are BOA now, Atleast when viewing them in Atlas loot.