Please, make weapon xmog drops more common

Guys, if you’re really not going to give us an option to buy the weapon xmog arsenals, at least give us increased droprate. You can’t possibly expect me to run every raid every day with 3+ characters only to get between zero and one weapon skins. And it gets even worse with LFR, because, since I can loot the bosses more than once, it makes me feel pressured to run the first wing of MV/second wing of HoF, the third wing of ToT and the last one of SoO over and over again, only to get armor and more armor. Frustrating doesn’t even begin to describe it. Possible ideas, please consider implementing one or more, especially for LFR:

  • Weapon arsenals (favorite option overall, easier to implement, we would all love you).
  • Increased droprate for weapons over armor: we can upgrade any random piece of armor to the same ilvl than a Mythic SoO one, but we need to run specific instances to get specific weapons.
  • Smart loot: if you are going to get a weapon as your loot, give it a higher chance of being one we haven’t collected yet.
  • Increase yet again the amount of bronze gained from caches and the stats gained from spools if you’re really going this route. The idea of having to do this with at least two more characters physically ages me every time I think of it.

I really like Remix overall, and I hope to see future remixes of other expansions, both prior and posterior to Pandaria, but I would probably play it even more if it didn’t feel like a chore.


We need arsenals for bronze.

Having this many RNG drops in a time-limited event is really bad.

You need many alts to farm it, it’s second job currently.


Arsenals for bronze would be such a nice solution.


Absolutely, that’s the best solution. But if they’re unwilling to do that, I’m just asking them to explore alternative routes to still make us engage with the game without it burning us out. Locking some of those drops behind Mythic SoO bosses is… distasteful, as you not only need to level an alt and upgrade its gear to max, but also farm a good amount of threads and be somewhat competent using that class.

I just want them to do something of all the possible “somethings” they could do to alleviate this.


This is a great idea. Don’t forget to submit an in-game suggestion via the Support menu for extra engagement.

I would really love some way to use bronze to get the various random drop skins. I’ve had a lot of fun with remix, but some skins just aren’t dropping and it’s a time-limited event so it’d be nice if we could buy them just like the armor sets. Or maybe if you could buy caches of infinite treasure (from specific regions or raids) for bronze.

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You do need to upgrade your gear, but you don’t need to worry about threads, or about being competent. I ran mythic Siege for these transmog drops on my Warrior yesterday and the day before that, and I had to frantically scroll through the chat log to find whoever got an item I needed and whisper them before we reached the next boss. As long as the entire group is fully 556, it’s an absolute faceroll. Hunters have been generous enough to give me most of the ranged weapons, but I’m still going to have to go in with my mage at some point to get the wands unfortunately.