That is what I was looking at in my post here: Please nerf Divine Aegis and Holy Radiance - #8 by Kovalos-nethergarde-keep
To analyse what you provide:
Please make sure you agree with the numbers I have copied from the website and my calculations for the average. Maybe I have some different setting.
10 man Normal, median scores and max:
Holy Paladin: 75.93 and 150.84
Holy Priest: 76.71 and 136.43
Disc Priest: 75.79 and 141.90
Restodruid: 80.30 and 149.73
Restoshaman: 73.42 and 134.26
Numerical average: 76.43 and 142.32.
Median: Restodruids top by a margin of 4 points to the average. Restoshamans bottom by 3 points to the average.
Max: Holy Paladins and Restodruids outperform everyone significantly by around 8 points to the average.
10man Heroic, median scores and max:
Holy Paladin: 84.13 and 127.89
Holy Priest: 74.30 and 111.23
Disc Priest: 78.08 and 121.98
Restodruid: 81.91 and 126.19
Restoshaman: 73.10 and 116.91
Average: 78.30 and 120.84.
Median: Holy Paladins outperform the average by 6 points. Top median.
Max: Holy Paladins outperform the average by 7 points. Top max.
25man Normal, median scores and max:
Holy Paladin: 76.20 and 167.70
Holy Priest: 73.95 and 131.84
Disc Priest: 73.27 and 139.32
Restodruid: 72.22 and 146.69
Restoshaman: 70.52 and 147.53
Average: 73.23 and 146.62
Median: Paladins at top by 3 points.
Max: Paladins top, by 21 points (!).
25man Heroic, median scores and max:
Holy Paladin: 82.26 and 148.31
Holy Priest: 71.77 and 107.52
Disc Priest: 71.29 and 124.09
Restodruid: 71.57 and 124.27
Restoshaman: 70.52 and 113.22
Average: 73.48 and 123.48
Median: Holy Paladins top by 9 points.
Max: Holy Paladins top by 25 points (!).
It’s pretty clear. Holy Paladins are overperforming.
Should other classes be buffed? Yes. Restoshamans and Holy Priests for sure.
Will Blizzard do anything about it? Probably not.