Please nerf Multiboxing or remove them!


I want to let you first know that im someone who does solo content, i can only play during late hours when there arent people to PUG with and my health is very fragile.

I want to farm this BFA mount from specific mobs, but there is always this multiboxer (of opposite faction) who just dominates the area and instead of taking breaks, it plants Monk statues on top of me on purpose to take the only 1 or 2 mobs i can aggro. Because I cant always run around for hours and getting wrist pain.

Please reconsider this decision…I just want to get this one mount and the AH in this server makes the mounts so expensive, i never had or saved up that much gold in my life. (By the way, this multiboxer looked awfully too fast to react pushing buttons the split second the mob spawns, I smelled some bot program. But I suppose thats not breaking the rules.)
I have things to deal with in real life so i have limited time, and the only free time I have is to farm this one awesome mount i wanted.

I am feeling really disheartened despite paying the sub and seeing this free mount thats pretty much handed in free 500K gold each mount for Multiboxers that they can sell and make more gold, leaving the casual solo players without it.

Its not fair. Please…reconsider allowing Multiboxing…at least nerf their abilities to take all the aggro for hours at the time that no human can make it without geting health issues.

Update: I just noticed my post was moved from Customer Service to General, i guess admins dont wanna deal with this issue :confused: I was even disregarded through my in-game ticket the GM cut off the conversation without giving me closure.

Note: This has been happening for days i tried different times. It seems like that multiboxer is LITERALLY THERE 24/7 locked in that little area where mobs respawn really quick.

. . .


Blizzard wouldn’t get rid of multiboxers back when they had 11m subs so they never will now that they need every sub they can get their hands on.

As long as they are not using bot programs Blizzard consider the 6 (for example) accounts of a multiboxer to be just the same as 6 solo players.

EDIT: Thinking about it they probably prefer the 6 multibox accounts. They don’t have to create decent content, just provide shiney loots to keep 6 accounts active instead of putting the effort in to keep 1.


It just looks liek this low drop RNG is made specifically to keep Multiboxers to keep paying the sub.
Because they can just control an area without moving a finger, a solo player will never have that chance unless they PUG it for many hours at the time. Which I cant.

I just want the mount that I saw in the journal and its free! :sob:

multiscum help fake the player numbers so they allow it.
Move on, itll never be changed no matter how unfair, how hated and how damaging to the AH they are


I hate multiboxers. Sadly it doesn’t matter what any of us think. They aren’t going to ban it and we’ll just have to suck it up, no matter how detrimental they may be in every aspect.


They specifically encourage multiboxers by introducing rare drops like in mop or rustfeather.
So they are a VIP customers not an issue in their eyes.

Change warmode status (on if off, off if on)?
Use tools to change shards/realms?

To Saycowanddie

Change warmode status (on if off, off if on)?
Use tools to change shards/realms?

With warmode on I get sacked on every step, because the mounts i want are in opposite faction zone. (alliance is all horses, boring)

What tools are you talking about exactly? I know sharding exists but that just sounds very complicated.

Welp, the forum layout is so confusing i replied to the wrong person for some reason


  • Use lfg tool, search for grps that are farming something in the zone you are.
    Or it doesn’t even matter if they are farming or not, just an invite from someone from another shard should phase you into their shard. There is no way of knowing if the grp you’re applying to is in another shard, but most of them are.

  • Level a horde to farm the area with wm off.

Use lfg tool, search for grps that are farming something in the zone you are.
Or it doesn’t even matter if they are farming or not, just an invite from someone from another shard should phase you into their shard. There is no way of knowing if the grp you’re applying to is in another shard, but most of them are.

I could try that one, not sure if its going to work or not.

Level a horde to farm the area with wm off.

It wont matter, the multiboxers are farming the area. Being a horde or not, the multiboxer doesnt welcome others. Otherwise i can do it on all my own, but just doing it for so long puts me at health risk. Is why there was that one area where all you have to do is press one AOE button and after 10 mins you can loot.

And the multiboxer is taking advantage of it.

It will work, this “way” is used everyday to cheese victory in world PvP.
When you apply for another grp from another shard, after you get invited, in a few seconds the multiboxer should disappear.

If you level a horde, it doesn’t matter if the multiboxer is welcoming or not. As long as you can put some damage on the mobs he is killing you’ll be eligible for loot.

But thats the thing, realmhopping is such a lame thing. And multiboxers are abusing it.
Those multiboxers are from another realm its disgusting!

They won’t remove multi-boxers… They are free subs for Blizz.

Alas and as said above it’s permitted as it makes sub money and props the stats up. I’ve seen more around since the new content release, usually boomkins. These threads crop up all the time but nothing will happen other than the inevitable defensive responses from botters trying to justify cheating and likely a bit of a debate on the difference between multiboxing (allowed) and botting (not allowed). It’s a depressing deja vu.


Use addons like World Quests List.

For you OP
imgur. com/a/KGEH5wG
Killed a guy that was multi boxing 10 chars at once ^^ :slight_smile:

Then 5 minutes later he respawned again. I killed him again and I was done with The Quest: Against Overwhelming Odds. Perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

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