Please nerf shamans

Pvp is unplayble, this class is simply not dying, every shaman player should get d*** slapped irl, enjoy your queue times, gl hf


Naaah, nerf paladins

how come our rets always die but this class can defend 1 base for hours and still one shot, cmon

Imagine that, a 50% damage reduction slapped over a class that can heal instantly for no mana is too much, how could anyone possibly have imagined this…

Let’s nerf them quickly now so when the test ends they end up with a disproportional nerf for some problem that isn’t there anymore.

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You mean the insta pops when you are in a 5 man group?

Do you try to counter me now ? I dont give a f about your premade queue

you are the one mentioning the que to try to mock…

kek i wish i could see u try to slap anyone irl with your twig arms, shaman players got massive biceps like me irl


Is the paladin crying because now he can’t kill the shaman in the bubble?)

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Shaman players are usually 60 years old with grey beard. I bet you dont have any muscles left at your age, lets not talk about your potancy

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“SHAMANS could be here”, he thought, “I’ve never been in this battleground before. There could be SHAMANS anywhere.” The cool wind of the Arathi Basin felt good against his plate-clad chest. “I HATE SHAMANS”, he thought. Warriors by Freedom Call reverberated his entire room, making it pulsate as the $1.50 Monster energy drink circulated through his withered, clogged veins and washed away his (merited) fear of shamans in PVP. “With a steed, you can go anywhere you want”, he said to himself, out loud.


OK this was quite entertaining

As melee survival hunter, I don’t have any problem with the shamans of any kind. Why u crying so much against them? The shadow priests are the bigger problem in pvp, no skill but 100% kill you.

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You are delusional and prob have no idea of pvp to see how dumb shamans are. And yes sp too. Guess only inexperienced pve boomers do enjoy shamans because now they feel one time in their life skilled. But no im sorry your class is Just broken atm


Makes sense shamans carrying 4 logs all the time got biceps like lumberjacks unlike those scrawny paladins who only carry a dictionary.

Look at my muscles!

Cope harder

oh damn i was right, someone got offended, dont worry grandpa, maybe take a testosteron replacement therapy, works wonders!

Seethe some more and cope harder pleb

Grandpa shmirgel has no other vocabulary , he is using these words in many posts here :rofl::rofl::clown_face:

Our totems stay upright every time, meanwhile paladins drop the flag when they bubble. It’s a piece of cloth on a stick! :rofl: