It deals far too much damage in PvP, how can you have such an automated ability do so much, it’s literally 0 effort for what it does.
Then they should also nerf these in damage:
- Flame Shock spread
- Killshot
- Explosive Traps
Oh for sure, Kill Shot being 80%+, sometimes I’ve seen 95%+ of the hunter’s damage is just dumb.
The reason why it sometimes makes up 80%+ of hunters’ damage is because it’s the only shot ability usable in melee range. Every time someone attacks you in melee you are going to have 80% kill shot 20% explosive trap damage spread
nerf divine shield duration by 6 seconds as well then.
mate stop the cope.
i am in full AQ25 gear with bis everything, and a hunter just popped me like a grape from 40 yards away with a single kill shot (1222 overkill btw) and i was at 100% health with my priest buffs on.
now, i might be a clothie, but that BS is NOT okay.
that garbage has to be mega nerfed, sooner rather than later.
There’s your problem, you need PvP gear
pvp gear will not change anything other than nerfing my class’s ability to perform in pvp.
bro did you not see what i wrote? 1222 OVERKILL.
a couple more stamina points wouldn’t have changed the outcome.
i would have needed 122 extra stamina (which you won’t get from a full pvp set) just to nullify the overkill damage to 0, and then i would have still died.
and if not?
well guess what, chimera shot.
your point is moot and mega cope.