Please, please buff the respawn timer on World Bosses!

With amount of threads everyone getting world bosses literally are up for like 5 secs and they vanish from existence for a decade… and we have to stay there in an endless hope of respawning. they die so fast people don’t even bother make groups on LFG anymore, by the time you get invited to one its dead and you are standing there all alone again thinking what you have done wrong in your life to be in an never-ending loneliness cliff…


This is a hyperbole
It is around 15 minute… :roll_eyes:


there are 6 world bosses, that’s 6x15mins total of 90mins afking in front of screen and if you by any chance miss it to DC or just not being there gl waiting another 15mins…


Lfg, premade groups, pandaria raids, refresh until your wb is on list.

Very few people bother making groups any more because they are dead in seconds.

Not to mention a couple of them can be tamed by hunters so you can wait 15m and not even get the kill.

They don’t drop cosmetics in remix so there is no reason to be waiting any amount of time for them in this ‘for fun’ mode.

Not true

I got all WBs today in groups found on lfg.

Why are people defending this? We’re expected to kill them daily, just reduce the respawn timer to 5 minutes. There’s no reason for it to be 15 minutes when they’re at a point where they’re dying so quickly.

There’s 5 bosses that take 15 minutes to respawn, celestials don’t count because they respawn a bit faster.
That’s an hour and 15 minutes.

Let’s assume on average you’re waiting for 8 minutes for each boss, as sometimes you’ll turn up right when they spawn, and right when they’re killed.

If you go for the world bosses each day, on average you’re burning 40 minutes just sitting around waiting for them to spawn. Over the course of the remainder of the event, that’s over 40 hours just spent twiddling your thumbs waiting for a respawn. Just reduce their respawn timer to 5 minutes and that would drastically reduce that number.


Idk some people enjoy arguing more than anything in life

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or give them more hp so thy last longer same als rara.

Honestly no clue. There are people on these forums that I swear would reject an offer from their employer to increase their salary because they felt they didn’t sacrifice enough to deserve it or just to be contrarian.

Today, I refreshed group finder constantly while waiting for world bosses to spawn on my shard. Only on one boss did I see a group I could join before it spawned on my shard. And I was lucky to get a tag on it when I phased in.

Anyway even if spamming the LFG tool might shave off a few minutes, its still dumb to have to do so. There’s an argument to be had for this to be the case on retail, but in Remix it should be almost instant re-spawn.

I think it’s fairly reasonable to make them respawn faster, especially when people can solo them most of the time.

I don’t think would help at all.

Already dying in like 4-6 seconds… 10 -15 seconds isn’t also a issue.

The game itself is a time sink but the amount of respawn time-15 min is quite high:)
5 min would be more acceptable since people play the game and not otherwise .

Would be good way for hunters to tame rares
If respawn time is short they can tame it and with short respawn time you don’t have to wait long

5min timer would be fine I suppose.

It takes longer to list the group in LFG than to actually kill the boss.

or at least add a hour glass or a creative timer on boss respawn area so ppl know how long they need to wait so maybe they can do other stuff while waiting instead of starring at their stpid reflection in monitor while waiting for a world boss from 12 years ago :smiley:

Step 1: Put the fire shield tinker gem.

Step 2: Get high ilvl.

Step 3: stand at spawn point and go watch gordon ramsay yell at people.

Come back with full inventory and still alive full health.

Im literally in-love with the fire shield tinker gem. Im soloing raids just by walking.(as long as its not one shot)

Yeah it makes no sense.

First, the reward isn’t that appealing for a fully geared character, since secondary stats all are capped.

And this is very frustrating when you wait 15min, tab out 10sec, then you open back the game and you just notice the boss is already dead.

This event seems to be all about how could we waste our customer’s precisous time with the most efficiency.

Don’t think we’ll get anymore changes now though…

there not even worth killing if you think about it
the mounts are now available in the bronze vendor

They don’t even drop mounts etc in remix - the main (only?) reason to kill them is you can get a legendary spool from your first kill of the day, hence why it makes no sense that they aren’t re-spawning way more often.

First world problems in text form!