Please prune "glimpse" from demon Hunter

Havoc should not have the PVP Talent glimpse and it would instantly put DH at the same level as everybody else


Can we just prune DH entirely,its like the more frustrating to look at version of monks/paladins. No amount of slows / hard cc keeps them out of melee range, double death grip & chains of ice is no match for these edgelords.


so I dont play DH a lot but I swear everytime they are in the air they are immune to everything and I lost the count of how many CCs that went poof because the skilled DH just used a random ability… is the meta from eye beam also makes them immune during the “transformation”?

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Now also remove:

Multi Bladestorms
Shadow dance from Assa / Outlaw
Cloak of Shadows dodge
Cheat Death
Reduce Warr Fear duration to 4s
Bring back 1 charge
1 Shadowstep
Reduce Shaman knockbacks
Reduce Mage blinks
Reduce Demo and BM pets

ah wait, none of that is going to happen

so deal with it and stop getting ur storm bolts immuned :man_shrugging:


You are an expert on whining about Rogue but you didn’t know it had been removed already ?



thank you I earned a degree at garrotecringelowiqspell university


cool changes, i would vote for it

this wasnt bad tbh, made me giggle


Every spec has a spell that’s top damage. For DoT specs it is usually a DoT.

I’d personally like it more if the important damage came from direct hits such as Envenom, kind of like Ferals have FB really high on damage and DoTs secondary, but you need to play the hand you are dealt.

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I like that you equate “remove glimpse” with removing like 3-4 things of certain classes. If glimpse is the equivalent of rogues having Shadow dance, CoS dodge, CD, 2 shadowsteps then that means glimpse is INSANELY broken…

Are you actually arguing glimpse is so busted removing one pvp talent is the equivalent of removing 3-4 things from someone else…

Although tbh, I’d like the removal of basically everything on that list. I think warr fear should either have a longer cd or last like 3seconds max considering its aoe and basically doesn’t break.

i mean what is with the bugged blur, what isnt still fixed?

Great idea!

But it doesn’t!

And that would make Assa rogues have to actually do something in order to win the game. Instead of applying 3 garrotes and ruptures and pretending it matters whos the next guy you stun when it’s a whole team rotting from a 2 button rotation + cc

In general every melee spec which makes you ask the question “wtf am I dying to” needs some kind of adjustment

Okay, Survival is throwing crap at you from range
Ret is perma range
Assa pressing 2 buttons and you’re rotting, maybe some random Kingsbane oneshot for fun

whatever happened to melees needing to be in melee to deal damage or actually doing something that will clearly do damage over random pve dotting

Garrote and Rupture aren’t exactly hard to press but there are several things to do with non damaging spells (so, things that you won’t see on details) in order for you to actually deal threatening damage with DoTs.

You seem completely oblivious as to how it works though, I’d be curious to see how you’d perform damage wise compared to me if you logged an Assa Rogue, since you truly believe you just have to press the bleeds.

I always liked people saying “it’s so easy mimimimi”. It is entertaining.

Also DH saying melees have a problem when you wonder “wtf am I dying to” is a priceless thing to witness.


I mean rogue can be obnoxious to play against especially in the hands of a good player but at least it requires some work where DH basically ten passives backed in two spells?
are you really complaining about sin having two buttons as a DH main? really?
rogue at least requires some thinking and setup whereis DH doesnt even need a macro because everything is very easy to land and you just cant ruin your dps if you do wrong rotation

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Nop I saw a recent video of a main dh with an 1ddon that show dodge, parry etc… When he use blur he got 95% aoe dodge.

Still not fixed and they probably will never at this point tbh.

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DHs have been running rampent for a while now. I really hope some of the other classes changes will put them in their place. The class is too easy to pick up for the amount of utility and damage it has. Now, I’m not saying, there aren’t people who have mastered it on another level and the class doesn’t have it’s intricacies. It just feels a lot more shallow than some of its counterparts. Just my opinion of course.

define “easy”

because if your definition of easy is killing new players in sub 2k games or random battlegrounds, yes, I agree, but this applies to any other dps

after the nerfs nobody plays the class, the rerollers have dissapeared, only people who have actually played it a decent bit before are still playing it

and that’s because when the class has balanced damage, it gets hard countered by over 20 things in the game, rather easily

some of these things u can outplay, and some u cannot

which be default makes it a balanced class

  • u cannot outplay a mistweaver pressing revival to immune all ur burst damage
  • in 99% of situations u cannot outplay any hunter spec pressing steel trap on u, ur gonna sit there like an idiot and pray it breaks to dots
  • u cannot play self dispel in most matchups meaning u are sitting almost every root, because ur forced to play reverse magic if ur healer munches CC
  • u cannot do anything about some “high skill” rogue pressing shadow dance and spamming cheap shots on u unless u pre-cc him or pre-press a cd
  • u cannot survive a feral druid bursting u without trinket if u dont pre-press ur cds
  • u cannot kill a Mage with over 100iq in under 3 minutes, a mage needs to be really bad to die to a DH
  • u cannot kill a Hunter with over 80iq in under 3 minutes, because the guy can root, scatter u on cd and feign death u in burst windows
  • u get deleted by every burst-yielding DPS in the game if ur stunned without trinket which includes: Rogues, Windwalkers, Ferals, and if somebody else stunned u, u also get deleted by Evokers, Mages, MM hunters, the list goes on
  • ur damage windows are extremely obvious and ur a CC sponge unless u outplay at least some of the CC

i mean the list goes on I don’t wanna write a whole novel here

if u dont play good as DH while ur damage is balanced, u don’t win. That’s completely fine of course, DH doesn’t need any buffs.

But if you face semi-intelligent opponents, if you don’t pre-press ur CD’s, u lose. Meaning the spec has to pre-use, it’s not reactive. It’s 50 times simpler to press ur barkskin, dark pact, divine protection (paladins), IBF on DK, etc.

You don’t pre Blur some go, you die easily. You might die anyway, as it happens vs things like RMP and Feral Mage and WW Rogue, MM hunter Rogue etc.

I can prove this daily on any other class I play. I literally cannot lose to a DH on my MM hunter, my Warlock, my Mage, my Windwalker, etc. Class is too easy to counter if you understand how it works.

Meanwhile there’s other classes which you CANNOT counter regardless of what ur doing, either fully impossible depending on spec or very difficult

Can you stop Ret damage from happening? Unlikely for 98% of the match
Can you stop BM hunter damage from happening? Unlikely from 98% of the match
Can you kill a Fistweaver? Unlikely until very high dampening

that list also goes on, ur asking to prune a spell that requires some brain usage that has to be used preemtively, while people are running around at 200% movement speed sapping, gouging and stunning ur entire team and a good list of 50+ extremely noob friendly spells and talents like revival, cheat death, auto frenzy procs, barkskin, bladestorm, etc.